新核心大学英语B版Unit 4课件.ppt

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新核心大学英语B版Unit 4课件

involvement (n.) ------ involve (v.) enhance (v.)----- enhancement (n.) tremendously (adv.) ------tremendous (adj.) supervise (v.) ------supervisor (n.) physicist (n.) ---physics (n.)physical (adj.) --en: (adj.)---(v.) deepen, strengthen, lengthen, broaden precision (n.) ----- precise (adj.) measurement (n.) ----- measure (v.) accurately (adv.) ---- accurate (adj.) tuneable (adj.) ---- tune (n.) 曲调 (v.) 调谐 cooperation (n.) ----- cooperate ( v. ) cooperative (adj.) unprecedented (adj. ) --- precedent (n.) 前例,先例(adj.)在先的 condensation (n.) ---- condensate (v.) motivate (v.) ---- motivation (n.) postdoctor 博士后 doctor’s degree 博士学位 master’s degree 硕士学位 bachelor’s degree 学士学位 bachelor of arts 文学学士 bachelor of science 理学学士 bachelor of medicine 医学学士 on the strength of: because of ?On?the?strength?of?my forthcoming salary increase, I have decided to buy a better car. ?He got?the?position?on?the?strength?of?his skill in finance. Review Unit 4 》Part IV 》Exercise 1 success work on deepen attribute provoke enhance motivate grasp address arise involve substantial 9) __ the project __ a new novel __ till sunset __ his illness 10) __ the crisis/complaint __ issues/problems __ the audience __ yourself to sth. work on address _______________ _______________ Unit 4 》Part IV 》Exercise 1 success work on deepen attribute provoke enhance motivate grasp address arise involve substantial 11) __ in school life __ long hours of __ him in a conversation be __ ed with/in 12) an __ of a good teacher __ success to education __ to air pollution __ the problem/blame to sb. involve attribute _______________ _______________ 6. Compare the following derivatives with their root words you already know and draw some clues about how they are formed. Then give 4~5 words with the same affix (the first word is given) according to the models. Unit 4 》Part IV 》Exercise 1 Derivatives in the text Part of speech Root word Affix More deri


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