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NCE-2 Lesson17 Teacher: Volcano Birmy 1Can you see what she does? 2.Can you tell how old she is? How time flies! Is she beautiful?Can you tell how old she is? 1 Listen and answer the questions 2 Watch the video and check the questions What does Jennifer do? How old is Jennifer ? 插入视频音频 New words appear v. 登场,扮演 stage n. 舞台 bright adj. 鲜艳的 stocking n. 长筒袜 sock n. 短袜 appear v.登场,扮演,出现 appear on the stage as:扮演……角色 我经常扮演屌丝。 I often appear on the stage as a loser. disappear v. appearance n. Don’t judge people by appearance. stage n. 舞台 阶段 on the stage:在舞台上 in the stage:在某一阶段,时期 China is in the stage of harmony. at an early stage of the project on the stage of history 2B青年也能在历史的舞台上。 Stupid guys can be on the stage of history. bright adj.明亮的,鲜艳的,聪明的 The sun is very bright. The boy is very bright . I have a bright future. It is bright red. sock n. 短袜 stocking n. 长筒袜 Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon . join:参加了某一种团体,成为其中一员 join the army ,join the Communist Party join in :参加入一种娱乐活动或者游戏 join in the game /join us 口语 take part in :参加某一种活动 take part in the sports meeting attend:出席 attend the meeting 用take part in, join和join in的适当形式填空。 1.My brother       the army in 2002. 2. I didnt want to    their argument. 3. May I       the competition? 4. We are playing football. Do you want to      ? 5. You are welcome to      us. 参考答案:1. joined 2. take part in 3. join in 4. join in 5. join * She must be at least thirty-five years old. at least , at most at least not for me 至少对我而言不是 at least do something 至少要有所行动 at least not today 至少不是今天 At most最多,你可能问“为什么?” At most,you might ask “why?” In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. in spite of 尽管=despite prep. Although 连词 she is 35, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. as prep.作为,以什么样的身份 作为学生,我必须去读书。 As介词 a student,I must go to school. 我是老师。 I work as 介词a teacher. I can’t come as连词 I am busy . Do as 副词 I told you . In the play, she must appear in a b


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