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;Lesson 76; The tree, ____ is four hundred years old, is very famous here. Light travels faster than sound, ____we all know. I decided to buy a birthday present for my mother, ____ lives alone in the countryside. He said he would come to my house to see me tomorrow afternoon, ____ I will have some other friends to play together. I’m to fly to Kunming, ____ it is warm in this season. ;You can try.;;pasta;linguine是扁扁长长的面条..发祥地应该在热那亚,搭配白酱或者海鲜类酱的情况较多,热那亚的典型吃法是搭配Pesto青酱(松子+basilico叶+橄榄油+parmigiano+大蒜) spaghetti是圆圆的一根一根的那种面..发祥地不明... [v?:m?‘t?eli]细面条,粉条 [l?‘zɑ:nj?]烤宽面条(上浇肉末番茄汁) 千层面 elbow macaroni通心面 Ziti。長的就像吸管,長度跟Spaghetti差不多。不過可能這樣子吃起來比較不便,而且也較難入味,查資料時比較少見長Ziti的食譜。 Rotelle都是指「車輪粉」,但其實也可以是粗一點的Fusilli。 [m?n?‘k?ti] n.(中间塞乳酪的)番茄沙司烙通心粉;袖管馅饼 [riɡ?‘t?uni]波纹贝壳状通心粉;面肠 ?rotini 螺旋通心粉 ;卷型 Rotini Fusilli 螺旋通心粉 长条型 Capellini 天使细面 Linguine 扁细面 Spaghetti 意大利面 Fettuccine宽面 lasagne 千层面 ?管状 Elbow Macaroni 弯管通心粉 Zita 长管通心粉 Enne 斜管通心粉 Canneloni/Manicotti 其它 Conchiglie/Conchiglioni 贝壳通心粉 Orzo Route 车轮通心粉 Tortellini 饺型细条通心粉 ;lasagna;Where is it from?;bulletin n.新闻简报 special ~; latest ~; announcer n. 播音员 announce v. 宣布 I announced my marriage to my friends. I announced that we will attend the world conference. I am pleased to announce that the Board has agreed to create 500 new jobs in our sales department.;go over; Calabria is a region in southern Italy.;[‘kɑ:tl?ud] ;[st?:k] ;fool? 傻瓜 bulletin? 新闻简报 announcer? (电视、电台)播音员 macaroni? 通心面,空心面条 grower? 种植者 harvest 收获, 收成 cartload 一满车(的装货量) stalk? 梗 village 乡村, 村庄;fool n. 傻瓜 make a fool of sb. 让某人出丑 He shouted in public and made a fool of himself. The daughter said that father is evil and made a fool of him. fool v. fool sb 愚弄某人 It is wrong of you to fool an old man.;leading adj.主要的 the leading writer/seller/producer leading part/role 他死亡的主要原因是老 The leading reason of his death is old age. play a leading role 起主导作用;splendid adj. 壮丽的 我很享受那壮丽的日落 I enjoy the splendid sunset. 你的极好的主意对我很有好处 Your splendid ideas are


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