新概念4A Lesson12.pptx

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新概念4A Lesson12

Words:;10.view:n.风景,观点 v.观察,考虑,查看 Eg:They came back to view the house again.(?) In my view things wont change. (?) The view from our window was one of beautiful green countryside. (?) 11.reduce:减少 increase:增加 Eg:She?tried to?reduce?her?weight. 12. unconscious:不省人事的 Eg: She?was?unconscious?but?her?heart?was still?beating. 13. Boxer:拳击手 ; 14.knock sth. off sth. :把某物从…撞到,降低价格 knock off:歇工,下班 knock sth. over:打翻某物,撞到某物 knock sb. out:打昏某人 Eg: If I get this report finished Ill knock off early. We have knocked 10% off admission prices. Oh my god-?I?knock?over?the?tower! The three drinks knocked him out. 15. flowerpot:花盆 16. candlestick:烛台 17. goods:货物,商品 18. at midday:在正午 ;Pattern Practice:;tea A:You drink a lot of tea, I must say! B: I couldn’t live without tea. It’s my favorite drink.;car-nice radio A: I like that car. It has a nice radio. B: I like the radio, but not the car. ;A cup-over there A: Get me a cup, will you? B: The cup over there? A:It doesn’t matter-just get me a cup!;Key structures : a,the and some;Key structures : a,the and some;有无定冠词the,意义上竟会有天壤之别 ;4. in hospital 生病住院 in the hospital 在医院 eg: Tom is in hospital because he has broken his rib. His mother is working in the hospital. 。 5. out of question 毋庸置疑 out of the question. 不可能,绝无希望 eg: His success is out of question. 他必成功。 His success is out of the question.他必失败。 6. in charge of负责,主管(表示主动) in the charge of由……负责,被……主管 eg: Dr White was in charge of the operation. This kindergarten is in the charge of a young girl. ;Special Difficulties:


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