新概念二 81 AntAngelia.ppt

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新概念二 81 AntAngelia

New words expressions: * prisoner n. 囚犯 bush n. 灌木丛 rapidly adv. 迅速地 uniform n. 制服 rifle n. 来福枪,步枪 shoulder n. 肩 march v. 行进 boldly adv. 大胆地 blaze v. 闪耀 salute v. 行礼 elderly adj. 上了年纪的 grey adj. 灰白的 sharp adj. 猛烈的 blow n. 打击 Listen answer these questions: * Working rapidly in the darkness, he soon changed into the dead mans clothes. Now, dressed in a blue uniform and with a rifle over his shoulder, the prisoner marched boldly up and down in front of the camp. Why did the prisoner attack the driver? When he had killed the guard, the prisoner of war quickly dragged him into the bushes. * prisoner jailbird prison jail 释放犯人 discharge prisoner 扣押某人,拘留某人 hold〔keep〕 sb prisoner He has been kept in prison for weeks without food and dies like a dog. 他因走私而蹲监狱。 He is in prison for smuggling. drag 那只狗狗跳进河里,把她拉到安全地带。 The dog jumped into the river and dragged her to safety. She dragged up that incident just to embarrass me. 需要两头大象才能把所有的木材拖走。 It will take two elephants to drag all this wood away. bush Instead of answering my question he began to beat about the bush. The bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 这矮树丛几个月来已长高了很多。 This bush has grown up a lot in the last few months. Working rapidly in the darkness, he soon changed into the dead mans clothes. * rapidly rapid 他迅速地把其他人甩在后面。 He was rapidly leaving the others behind. 在他的管理下,公司发展得很快。 The company developed rapidly under his administration. change 他换上新衣服去参加聚会。 He changed into his new dress and went to the party. 你最好还是换上干衣服。 Youd better change into some dry clothes. 天气炎热的时候,冰很快就化为水。 Ice changes into water rapidly on a hot day. 我们夏天通常去法国,但今年为了换个地方我们去西班牙。 We usually go to France in the summer, but this year were going to Spain for a change. clothes 折衣服 fold clothes 缝衣服 sew clothes 试衣服 try on clothes Fine clothes make the man. 衣食住行 food, clothing and shelter Now, dressed in a blue uniform and with a rifle over his shoulder, the prisoner marched boldly up and down in front of the camp. * dress 珍妮总穿红色衣服。 Jenny is always d


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