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小伦敦英语《新概念英语Lesson61-72)班级: 姓名:______I卷 (选择题, 共计70分) 得 分 评卷人 一、找出划线部分与给定音标相符的单词(共5小题;每小题1分,共5分) 1. ( ) [s] A. cook B. corner C. cousin D. city 2. ( ) [ai] A. lift B. fish C. ice D. dish 3. ( ) [ei] A. lake B. any C. fact D. art 4. ( ) [θ] A. father B. thanks C. mother D. brother 5. ( ) [?u] A. cold B. once C. hot D. fox 得 分 评卷人 二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 6. -- Is this your sweater, Joy? -- No, its not______sweater. _______ is yellow. A. my/My B. my/Mine C.mine/ Mine D. mine/ My Oh, boys and girls, come in please. And make ________ at home. A. yourself B. us C. you D. yourselves There are _______ on the table. A. 3 bottles of oranges B. 3 bottle of orange C. 3 bottle of oranges D. 3 bottles of orange There are two _______ in my pencil-box. A. knive B. knifes C. knives D. a knife Its getting dark. Please _____ the light. A.turn off B.turn on C.turn down D.turn up -- Must they clean the classroom now? -- No, they_______. A.cant B. neednt C. dont D. mustnt -- Who cleans the room every morning? -- Jimmy______. A.cleans B. does C. is cleaning D. is doing -- Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Nick? -- John______. A.cleaned B. does C. did D. Is -- Were you at home yesterday? -- No, I______. I was _____ work. A. wasnt/ at B. werent/in C. wasnt/in D. werent/at ______ he _____ the doctor the day before yesterday? A. have/seen B. has/seen C. Did/see D. Does/see -- When were you born? -- I was born _____ Monday, February 2nd ,1989. A. at B. on C. in D. of ______8:00 PM of August 8,2008,Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games. A. At B. On C. In D. Of 18. The accident(事故) happened(发生) ____ a cold winter morning. A


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