新概念一册 3课 现在进行时.pptx

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新概念一册 3课 现在进行时

Where is Sally?;;garden [ɡɑ?dn] n. 花园;她在花园。;under [?nd?] prep. 在...之下;tree [tri?] n. 树;她正在树下坐着。;cat [k?t] n. 猫;climb [kla?m] v. 爬;who [hu?] pron. 谁;谁在爬树?;grass [ɡrɑ?s] n. 草 ;不要践踏草坪;after [ɑ?ft?] prep. 在...之后;across [?kr?s] prep. 横过,穿过;不要横穿马路;看图猜单词;;;;;;;;;;《阿甘正传》;;Is the cat climbing the tree?;;JEAN: Wheres Sally, Jack? JACK: Shes in the garden, Jean. JEAN: Whats she doing? JACK: Shes sitting under the tree.;JEAN: Is Tim in the garden, too? JACK: Yes, he is. Hes climbing the tree. JEAN: I beg your pardon? Whos climbing the tree?;JACK: Tim is. JEAN: What about the dog? JACK: The dogs in the garden, too. Its running across the grass. Its running after a cat.;;1、T:Are Jack and Jean in the garden? S:No, they arent. 2、T:Are they in the kitchen? S:Yes, they are. 3、T:Is Sally in the garden? S:Yes, she is.;4、T:Is Tim in the living room? S:No, he isnt. 5、T:Whos sitting under the tree? S:Sally is. 6、T:Whats Tim doing? S:Hes climbing the tree. ;7、T:Wheres the dog? S:Its in the garden. 8、T:Is the dog climbing the tree? S:No, it isnt. 9、T:Whats the dog doing? S:Its running across the grass.;;他们正在做什么呢?;他们正在做什么呢?;他们正在做什么呢?;他们正在做什么呢?;1. 一般情况下,V 动词后直接加ing ;现在进行时的用法;现在进行时的用法;现在进行时的用法; 2. 动词若以“e“结尾,去“e”加ing ;现在进行时的用法;现在进行时的用法;现在进行时的用法;3. V以一个元音+一个辅音字母结尾,双写尾字母加ing 。;现在进行时的用法;现在进行时的用法;现在进行时的用法;现在进行时 疑问句 否定句;现在进行时 疑问句 否定句;laugh 大笑;watermelon;1、(I/ wash/ my hair.) Im washing my hair. ;2、(I/ sit/ on a hair.) Im sitting on a hair. ;3、(I/ learn/ English) I am learning English. ;4、(They/ listen/ to music) They are listening to music. ;5、(I/ read/ a newspaper) I am reading a newspaper.;6、(She/ eat/ an apple) She is eating an apple. ;;type [ta?p] v. 打字;你必须十分钟之内把文章打出来;letter? [let?] n. 信;我会给你写信的。;basket [bɑ?sk?t] n. 篮子;把鸡蛋放进篮子里。;eat [i?t] v. 吃;bone [b?


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