新概念一 Lesson123PPT.ppt

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新概念一 Lesson123PPT

Lesson 123 word and text; during ; trip ; travel ; offer ; guess ; beard ;Mike: Look,Scott. This is a photograph I took during my trip to Australia. Scott: Let me see it,Mike. Scott: This is a good photograph. Who are these people? Mike: Theyre people I met during the trip. Mike: Thats the ship we travelled on. Scott: What a beautiful ship! Scott: Whos this? Mike: That is the man I told you about. Remember? Scott: Ah,yes. The one who offered you a job in Australia. Mike: Thats right. Scott: Whos this? Mike: Guess! Scott: Its not you, is it? Mike: Thats right. I grew a beard during the trip, but I shaved it off when I came home. Scott: Why did you shave it off? Mike: My wife didnt like it!;a/my trip to+地点 去……的旅??;_____________;This is a photograph I took during my trip to Kaifeng. 这张照片是我去开封时拍的 ;______________________________________.;;;;;;省略which/that/who/whom关系代词的例句: I took this photograph during my trip to Australia. This is a photograph (which/that) I took during my trip to Australia. I met people during the trip. Theyre people (who/that) I met during the trip. we travelled on that ship. Thats the ship (that/which) we travelled on.;;;; water 浇水 ; terribly 非常 ; nuisance 讨厌的东西或人 ; mean 意味着 ; surprise 惊奇,意外的事 ;SUSAN:Cant you come in and have tea now, Peter? PETER:Not yet. I must water the garden first. SUSAN:Do you have to water it now? PETER:Im afraid I must. Look at it! Its terribly dry. SUSAN:What a nuisance! PETER:Last summer it was very dry, too. Dont you remember? I had to water it every day. SUSAN:Well, Ill have tea by myself. SUSAN:That was quick! Have you finished already? PETER:Yes. Look out of the window. SUSAN:Its raining! That means you dont need to water the garden. PETER:That was a pleasant surprise. It means I can have tea, instead.Mike: My wife didnt like it! ;Thank You!


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