新概念3 L28.ppt

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新概念3 L28

Lesson 28? Five pounds too dear? 五镑也太贵 Wares n.货物, 商品 Ware n.器皿, 陶器, 物品(总称, 常用于复合词) -- silverware 银器 / ironware 铁器 / chinaware 陶器 / glassware 玻璃器皿 -- software 软件 / hardware 五金器具, (电脑的)硬件 -- a popular ware 热门货 / small wares 小百货 goods n.商品, 货物(商店里出售的物品) -- half-done goods 半成品 / home made goods = native goods 国货 -- leather goods 皮件 / frozen goods 冻结货物 / consumer goods 日用消费品 commodity n.商品, 物品(总称, 正式的经济学术语) -- commodity price 商品价格, commodity economy 商品经济 -- commodity market 商品市场, agricultural commodity 农产品 Tempt v.吸引, 引诱 Tempt sb to do sth 吸引某人做某事 Temptation n.勾引, 诱惑, 引诱 -- The temptation to steal is greater than ever before - especially in large shops. 偷窃的诱惑力比以往任何时候更强烈了,在大商店里尤其如此。 Tempting adj.诱惑人的, 吸引人的 = (attractive adj.吸引人的, 有魅力的) Resist the temptation/lure sb to do sth/appeal to sb He was tempted by bribes. 他受到贿赂的诱惑。 The Serpent tempted Eve to pick the forbidden fruit. 那条毒蛇诱使夏娃摘取禁果。 His proposal tempts me. 他的建议让我感兴趣。 Your offer does not tempt me at all; nothing can tempt me to leave my present position . 你的建议一点也打动不了我的心,什么东西都不能诱使我离开现在的职位。 Bargain v.讨价还价、 negotiate negotiation Bargain n.交易, 合同交易, 协议 -- a good bargain 赚钱的生意 / make a bargain 成交, 达成协议 -- drive a hard bargain with sb 极力和某人讨价还价 -- bargain with sb for sth. 和某人就某事讨价还价 -- bargain away 议价出售 I was ripped off./ I was cleaned out. Can you give me a little deal on this? Don’t try to rip me off, I know what it is worth. Can you gibe me this for cheaper? Is there any discount on bulk purchases? Give me a discount. How much do you want for this? If you don’t give me a better price, I won’t buy this. I can get this cheaper at other places. What is the lowest you are willing to go? Come on , give me a break on this. Disembark v.下船上岸(= debark) Embark v.上船, 上飞机 -- He disembarked. 他下船上了岸。 -- He decided to embark. 他决定上船。 Assail v.纠缠 -- He was assailed with worries. Afflict vt.使痛苦, 折磨 -- Tramps can keep free from the thousands of anxieties which afflict other people. She was assai


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