新概念1B Unit 24.ppt

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新概念1B Unit 24

UNIT 24 LESSON 47 A light dinner Warm-up Listen and touch! Ask each other questions. 1.Do you like fish? 2.Do you like meat? 3.What kind of vegetables do you like? Do you like potatoes? lettuce? cucumber? 4.What kind of fruit do you like? Do you like strawberries? 5.Have you got a garden? What can you pick from it? 6.Do you like cream? New words and expressions love salmon piece tonight potato lettuce cucumber fantastic pick strawberry dessert healthy meal worry cream first a nice piece of salmon Listening and Understanding Listen to the recording, and then answer this question: Who must pick some strawberries? Listen and follow! Lets review! Karen: Claire, do you like fish? Claire: Yes, I ____fish. I really like______! Karen: Good! I’ve got a nice _____of salmon for dinner______. Karen: Do you like___________? Claire: Yes, I like vegetables, too. Karen: I’ve got _____new potatoes and some salad… Karen: There’s some _______and some_______. Is that OK? Claire: That’s________, Karen! It’s my _________kind of food! Karen: Well, here’s a______.You and Paul can pick some strawberries from the_______. Then we can have some fruit for ________. Paul: This is great, Karen! A really ________ meal! But I’m very________! Karen: Don’t worry, Paul! I’ve got ____ __potatoes in the kitchen! Karen: And you can have some_____ with your strawberries. Just pick them______! Lets play! Turn to P72! Home work 1、抄单词2遍。 2、听录音,并跟读3遍。 3、预习P70. Pronunciation poor sure jury pure cure Europe New Words and Expressions hate 憎恨,讨厌 sweet 糖果,甜食 wine 葡萄酒 可数名词包括: (1) 普通名词:boy 男孩 girl 女孩 apple 苹果 book 书 (2) 集体名词:people 人们 人民 (3) 少数专有名词: China 中国 不可数名词 不可数名词主要包括两大类:物质名词与抽象名词。 物质名词无法表示为个体的实物, 如:rice大米 、 food食物 、coffee 咖啡、 meat肉 、bread面包 、 water水、 tea茶. 抽象名词为动作、状态、品质等无法计数的抽象概念, 如:happy开心、sad伤心、love爱. dumpling fish Pattern Practice Ask


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