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【Special Difficulties】 too and enough too adv.太,过分 enough adv.足够,十分 too和enough都可作程度副词, 但too通常位于它所修饰的形容词/分词之前,enough则位于它所修饰的词之后。 在含有不定式的句型里,too经常具有否定的含义,enough则表示达到必要的程度: eg.He is too heavy for me to lift. The pear is ripe enough for me to eat. Now that my former headmaster, Mr. Page, is retiring, pupils of the school will be sending him a gift and an album with the signatures of all those who have contributed. Many former pupils will be attending a farewell dinner in his honour. After having completed forty years as a teacher, Mr. Page will devote himself to gardening, which will be a new hobby for him, but one is never too old to learn. Lesson 85 Never too old to learn Questions to the text 1.Where do I receive a letter from? 2.What is the letter about? 3.What will all the pupils do? 4.What will we all remember Mr. Page for? 5.When is a farewell dinner being held in his honour? 6.What is the curious coincidence? 7.What will Mr. Page do after he has retired? New words 1.inform v.告诉,通知 8.farewell n.告别 2.headmaster n.校长 9.honour n.敬意 3.contribute v.捐助,援助 10.coincidence n.巧合 4.gift n.礼物,赠品 11. total n.总数 5.album n.签名簿,相册 12.devote v.致力于 6.patience n.耐心 13.gardending n.园艺 7.encouragement n.鼓励 14.hobby n.爱好,嗜好 ① vt. 通知,告知 inform sb. of sth. 通知某人…… inform sb.that… 通知…… eg.He was informed that he would receive an extra thousand pounds a year. 区别:tell sb. sth. tell sb. that... ② vi. 告发,检举 inform against/on/upon sb. eg.He used to inform against his classmates. →informer n.提供情报者 information n.信息,情报 ★inform v. contribute to/towards 对...有贡献 It was generous of her to contribute such a large sum. 她很大方,捐助了这么大笔钱。 She asked him to contribute a biweekly article on European affairs. 她让他每两周写一篇有关欧洲情况的文章。 Honesty and hard work contribute to success and happiness. 诚实加苦干有助于成功和幸福。 contribution n.贡献,捐赠 contributions to relief fund赠给救济基金的捐款 ★contrbute v.致力于 devote (oneself) to + doing 致力于……,献身于,专


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