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;听写时间;;Lesson 7 Too late;New words and expressions;;看图片,我们联想到了什么职业? + + = Sherlock Holmes摩尔莫斯 detective侦探 a private detective私家侦探;练习:想一想,能说出中文吗?怎么说标准 airport 飞机场 the main building 航站楼,候机楼(乘客呆的地方) airfield 停机坪(飞机呆的地方) the Customs House 海关(行李物品接受检查的地方);(在路上) 最大的机场: Beijing Capital International Airport 首都机场 Baiyun Airport 白云机场 Shanghai Pudong International Airport 浦东国际机场;(在路上) 去机场的交通工具: your own car taxi airport bus maglev;(机场内) 登机第一步:check-in ID card身份证 boarding card登机牌;(机场内) 登机第二步: security安检 the Customs House海关;(机场内) 登机第三步: departure lounge候机室 departure gate登机口;(飞机上) 也有令人愉悦的: 可以享用的饮料和飞机餐: water, tea, coffee coke, orange juice, Sprite rice or noodle pork, beef, chicken or fish;(下飞机后) luggage claim行李领取处;expect v. 期待, 等待 ① vt.vi. 预计,预料 Jim has failed in mathematics as his teacher expected. 正如他老师所预料的那样,吉姆数学考试没及格。 ② vt. 等待,期待,盼望(心理上的等待) I expect a letter from Jimmy.我期待几米的来信。 I expect to see my uncle. 我期望见到我的舅舅。 expect sb.to do sth. 期待某人做某事 ③ vt. 认为,猜想(一般用于口语) I expect so./I think so. 我希望如此[口语];4. valuable adj. 贵重的,值钱的 = precious 珍贵的,珍惜的 a precious Chinese Vase 稀世中国花瓶 = priceless 极珍贵的,无价的 a priceless collection of diamonds;小贴士: 钻石婚(60/75年) diamond wedding 金婚(50年) golden wedding 银婚(25年) silver wedding 纸婚(1年) paper wedding;练习:看图说话a _______ of _______ a bag of rice a parcel of diamonds a packet of crisps a bar of chocolates, a chocolate; on guard keep guard at the door看门 guard 门卫 security guard 保安 prison guard 看守 bodyguard 保镖 ;Lesson 7 Too late The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. 讲故事(故事中常常用到“过去进行时“): 一个男孩在火车站等待了近一个小时。 A boy was waiting at the railway station for nearly an hour.;Lesson 7 Too late They


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