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A: Look at the 13th and 14th pictures. What does he usually do every day? B: He usually shaves at 7 o’clock. A: What is he doing today? B: He is shaving at 8 o’clock today. Listen and fill in the blanks. 13th14th : He is shaving at __________. 15th16th: This morning, she _______________________. 17th18th: This afternoon, they ______________________. 19th20th: This evening, I __________________________. 21st22nd:Tonight, we _____________________________. A: What time does Xiao Jing get up? B: She gets up at 6:25. A: What time does…..? B: … … Xiao Jing is a good girl. On Sunday she gets up at 6:25……. Answers 1. It’s nine forty-five. ( It’s a quarter to ten.) 现在是九点四十五分。 (现在是差一刻十点。) 2. It’s two seventeen. ( It’s seventeen past two.) 现在是两点十七分。 (现在是两点过了十七分。) 3. It’s three o’clock. ( It’s three o’clock. ) 现在是三点。 4. It’s nine thirty. ( It’s half past nine. ) 现在是九点半。 (现在是九点半。) 5. It’s six fifteen. ( It’s a quarter past six. ) 现在是六点十五分。 (现在是六点过一刻。) 6. It’s three fifty. ( It’s ten to four. ) 现在是 三点五十分。 ( 现在是差十分四点。) Preview Check Words: 1.half past six ----__________ 2.seven thirty __________ 3.a quarter past nine __________ 4.ten to ten __________ 5.eleven fifty __________ 6.ten past twelve__________ 7.half past twelve __________ 8.a quarter to two__________ 9.three o’clock__________ 10.four twenty—five__________ Sentences: (1)现在是12点。 It’s 12 o’ clock. (2)我们每天坐校车上学。 We go to school by school bus every day. (3)他们打算走路去公园。 They are going to walk to the park. (4)妈妈经常在客厅喝茶。 My mother usually drinks tea in the living room. (5)孩子们现在正在教室做作业。 The children are doing homework in the classroom. (6)他打算在花园读报纸。 He is going to reading newspaper in the garden. A story about the Sawyers How many people are there in the family? Who are they? Listen and check 1. How do the children go to school every day? A. By car. B. By b


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