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Lesson 46 Do it yourself 自己动手 by Kitty Review the words 略 Review the sentences 略 Fast reading 略 Text So great is our passion for doing things for ourselves, that we are becoming increasingly less dependent on specialized labour. passion 热情 passion for doing sth. Text be / become dependent on ≠ independent less dependent = more independent Text No one can plead ignorance of a subject any longer, for there are countless do-it-yourself publications. plead v. 找(借口),辩解 plead ignorance 一无所知 --The authorities plead ignorance. Text --I pleaded that I was ill so I couldn’t go to the party. plead that... pleadable 可辩护的 --This is a pleadable case. pleading n. 辩护,恳求 pleader n. 辩护人 Text 对比 1. beg vt. 肯求 (可怜地一再要求) beg sb. not to do 2. ask 请求,要求(期待肯定的答复) 3. entreat: 请求(通过反反复复的请求,来说服、软化对方) 4. implore 要求(迫切地、痛苦地要求) --The poor man implored me for help. Text Armed with the right tools and materials, newlyweds gaily embark on the task of decorating their own homes. embark on doing sth. 从事做(新的、难度大的事情) =start sth. (new or difficult) Text Men, particularly, spend hours of their leisure time installing their own fireplaces, laying out their own gardens; building garages and making furniture. leisure n. 空闲 =spare time leisure hours at leisure 悠闲自得的,空闲的 Text --I’m quite at leisure if you want to me to help you. at one’s leisure 在某人空闲的时候,在某人高兴的时候 --Look me up, at your leisure. =Drop in me, at your leisure. Text At your leisure, please call me. wait sb.’s leisure 等某人有空闲的时候 Text Some really keen enthusiasts go so far as to build their own computers. keen adj. 热心的,渴望的 =eager, anxious be keen about 迷上,喜欢上 --The boy is keen about footfall. be keen on sth. 迷上,喜欢上(口) Text 对比 1. anxious (焦急的心情,因焦虑而渴望) 2. eager (因特别想得到或拥有某物而渴求) --What are you eager for? 3. keen (因为极大的兴趣和欲念而热衷于) Text go so far as to do: 竟然到了干......的地步 --Oh, my god, he went so far as to refuse my demand. --She goes so far as to go shopping / with it


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