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stay at home go to the beach go hiking go to summer camp visit friends and relatives visit museums go to New York City send /send/ 1)send sth. to sb. / send sb. sth send a letter 寄信 Eg: I send a letter to Selina. I send Sofinia a letter. 类似的用法还有 give, take, pass, read, sell... 2) send / take children to school send / take 区别: take 强调某人亲自送;send 则是通过第三人去送,如校车 take flowers to his wife 自己送 send flowers to his wife 叫店里的人送 与send搭配的常用短语 send for 召唤,派人去叫 Did you send for a taxi? 你刚才叫出租车了吗? send out 发出,发送 遣送,解雇 send back 归还 send in 提交 派遣 send up 发射,使...上升 postcard n. 明信片 name card /visiting card 名片 ID card 身份证 credit card 信用卡 cash card 现金卡, 储蓄卡, 工资卡 各种卡片的英文说法 birthday card 生日卡 Christmas card 圣诞卡 New-Year card 新年卡 Identity card =ID card身份证 student card 学生证 score card 积分卡 membership card 会员卡 intelligence card IC智能卡 entry card 入境卡 spoil /sp??l/ v. 损坏,破坏 (主要指精神上) 过去式,过去分词:spoiled or spoilt Dont let him spoil your night The bad weather spoiled my mind v. 宠坏,溺爱 1. He is a spoiled child. 2.She spoiled her son by giving him too much money. 这条小狗被宠坏了, 每天到处小便. piss 毁坏 1.break: 破坏 Break the window. 2.damage: 破坏, 程度不一定很重 ;被破坏的对象受损程度较小,可以修复 3.destroy : 破坏, 彻底摧毁,不能修复。 以上三个是指物理上的破坏, 而spoil主要指精神上的 public /p?blik/ 1)应该:public school / place / 2)反义词:private 3)短语:in private 私下里的 ----- in public 公开的 Lend /lend/ lend (lent,lent) v. 借给 (对于主语,借出去) lend to / lend out(借出) lend sth. to sb / lend sb. sth. borrow v. 借 (对于主语,借进来) borrow from(借进) borrow sth. from sb./borrow sth. eg. He borrowed my pen yesterday. I once lent him some money spend /spend/ v. 用,花销 spend sth on sth / spend on doing sth Eg: I spend $300 on a new TV-set He spends much time on sports I spend 10 years on learning English well. Single /s??gl/ 1)唯一的,单一的:反义词 double 例如:There wasn’t a single bus in the stree 2)未婚的,独身的: 反义词 married 已婚的 例如:She is st


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