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Daily english God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者 * Lesson 91 Poor Ian 可怜的伊恩 ★still ① adv. 还是,仍然 I still can’t decide where to go. 我还是不能决定去哪。 She was still beautiful at the age of 46. 她46岁时仍然美丽。 ② adv. 还要,甚至更 She looked very ill last week and this week looks still worse. 她上周看起来病得很严重,这周更严重了。 ③ adv. 静止地;安静地 He is sitting still. 他一动不动地坐着。 The patient is lying still. 病人安静地躺着。 ★move v. ①搬家;移动 move in 搬进(强调状态,结果) move into 搬进来(强调动作,过程) move out (of) 搬出来 move away 搬走 move from…to… 从…搬到… They moved from Nanjing to Shenzhen. 他们从南京搬到深圳。 ②感动,打动 This story moved me. 这个故事感动了我。 neighbour n. 邻居 neighbourhood n.四邻,邻近地区 This is a quiet neighbourhood. 这一带很安静。 He is moving into the neighbourhood. 他要搬到这一带。 in the neighbourhood of 在…附近 person n. 人 He is a nice/good person. 他是个好人。 in person 亲自,直接的 He will go to get the money in person. 他将亲自去取钱。 personal adj. 个人的,私人的 a personal letter people n. ①人们 There are a lot of people in the street. 街上有很多人。 the people 民众,人民,国民 ②民族 person 强调的个体的人,可以有复数形式 persons people 通常是人的统称,单复数形式相同 ★miss ① v. 想念,惦念 I missed you. 我想你 ② v. 错过;未做到 He missed the bus and walked home. 他没有赶上公共汽车就走回家了。 miss doing sth. 未能 I missed buying the magazine. 我未能买到那本杂志。 I missed seeing him yesterday. 昨天我未能/没看见他。 ③注意到…的不存在 When did you miss your bag? 你什么时候发现提包不见的? poor adj. ①可怜的 The poor old woman had no one to talk to. 那个可怜的老人找不到人跟她说话。 ②贫穷的 rich a poor man 贫穷的人 the poor 穷人 We should help the poor. ③笨拙的,差劲的 be good at sth./be good at doing sth. be poor at sth./ be poor at doing sth. 不擅于… 课文讲解 -Has he moved to his new house yet? -No, not yet. Move to 搬到… 我明天要搬到B区的办公室。 I’ll move to the office in zone B tomorrow. Yet用于疑问句和否定句的句尾。 No, he has not moved to his new house yet. He’s still here. = He is still here. 副词still也可用于一般现在时,注意位置在be动词之后。 He’s going to move tomorrow. be going to do 计划、打算做某事。 I’ll miss him. = I will miss him He has always been a



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