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extravagant adj. 浪费的,奢侈的;挥霍无度的 extravagant / luxurious habits 奢侈挥霍的习惯 be extravagant in food and dress讲吃讲穿 extravagance n. 奢侈,挥霍 live in extravagance 生活奢侈 be in debt 负债累累 18. Despite this, he was so extravagant that he was always in debt. be forgotten 被遗忘了 be left in the cold被冷淡了(淡忘了) eg. The old lady who used to be a highly successful actress now is left in the cold. 这位老夫人过去是一位非常成功的演员现在已经被人们淡忘了 19. After he was defeated by boxer called Gentleman Jackson, he was quickly forgotten. Phrases extravagant habits be in debt on a later occasion turn against be quick to learn be seriously injured be known as attract one’s attention rise to fame 奢侈挥霍的习惯 负债累累 还有一次 变得对…不满 学的比较快 受重创 被称作 引起了某人的注意 名声雀起 enjoy / win / gain high popularity in his day technically speaking = strictly speaking draw up a set of rules 享有 、赢得盛誉 在他的鼎盛时期 严格地讲 起草 一套规则 Lesson 21 Daniel Mendoza New Words boxing boxer bare prizefighter crude marquis technically science popularity adore 拳击 拳击手 赤裸的 职业拳击手 粗野的 侯爵 严格根据法律意义地 科学 名望 崇拜,爱戴 alike fame eminent bitterly bet academy extravagant poverty match rule 一样地 名声 著名地 厉害地 打赌 专业学校 浪费的 贫困 比赛 规则 figure tremendous attention quarrel defeat fist swiftly solve ring champion 人物 极大的,惊人的 注意 吵架 击败,战胜 拳头 很快地 解决 拳击场 冠军 boxing n. 拳击 box v. 拳击 match: (有输赢结果的)比赛 game: (有规则的)比赛 the Asian Games 亚运会 the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会 contest (由评委评出结果的)比赛 a beauty contest 选美大赛 English speech contest 英语讲演比赛 competition 竞赛,竞争 competition for job 工作竞赛 race (与速度有关的)比赛 a swimming race 游泳比赛 a boat race 划船比赛 a bicycle race 自行车比赛 1. Boxing matches were very popular in England two hundred years ago. 2. In those days, boxers fought with bare fists for prize money. fight v. to take part in a war or battle eg. Vietnam fought France and then the US for over 30 years. 越南先后与法国和美国作战三十多年。 3) fight for = struggle for fight to the independence of the nation 为祖国的独立而奋斗 fight for freedom 争取自由 bare adj. 赤裸的;光秃的;没有家具的 bare hands 徒手; bare fists 赤手空拳; bare feet 赤脚 【联想】nak


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