新概念英语第二册-第60课 THE FUTURE.ppt

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新概念英语第二册-第60课 THE FUTURE

Language points 4、A relation of yours is coming to see you. (1)a relation of yours 您的一个亲戚(双重所有格)(cf.第10课语法): a friend of my fathers 我父亲的一位朋友 a friend of mine 我的一个朋友 (2)句中的现在进行时并不表示目前正在进行的动作,而表示将要发生的事情。 可用于这种用法的动词有: go, come, leave, arrive, land, meet, die, start… Language points 5、 She will be arriving this evening and intends to stay for a few days. will be arriving 进行时表将来时含义 intend to do 打算做……(现在时表示将来) Language points 6、The moment you leave this tent, you will get a big surprise. the moment = as soon as一……就……(在这个连词引导的时间状语从句中要用一般现在时来表示将来时) Ill phone you the moment I get the letter. 我一拿到信就给你打电话。 Language points 7、 She will speak to you and then…… speak 1) v. 说,讲,谈话 speak English 说英语 speak out 大声说话 speak the truth 讲实话=tell the truth speak to sb. 对……说 speak for oneself 自我辩护 speak ill of sb. 说人坏话 speak well of sb. 说人好话 2)v. 发表演讲 Who will speak at the opening? 谁将致开幕词? 3)(事物)显示,表示(事实,感情等) 谚语: Actions speak louder than words. Her eyes spoke. 她的眼睛表达了她的心意。 The portrait speaks. 这幅肖像栩栩如生。 Language points 8、As soon as I went outside, I forgot all about Madam Bellinsky because my wife hurried towards me. forget it 算了 这句话中的all是代词,表示“一切,全部,所有的事”,它作主语时被视为单数: All I can remember is her name. hurry towards sb. 向某人匆匆走去 in a hurry (n.) 匆匆忙忙地 Language points 9、Your sister will be here in less than an hour and we must be at the station to meet her. (1)must be表示用现在时态指将来的状况,这句话也可变成: We must go to the station to meet her. must do sth. 对将来或是对现在进行的推测 must be doing sth. 只是对现在的推测 He must be doing his homework now ,现在正在做作业 must have done : 过去情况的推测 He must have done his homework ,for he is playing outside . for引导的是原因状语从句 (2)to meet her为表示目的的不定式。(cf.第59课语法) Language points 10、As she walked away, I followed her out of the fair


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