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Unit13 What am I doing here? You can’t use heavy equipment in the gyms without the right shoes. And if you go to a dance class, you can’t wear black-soled trainers. And you must wear a T-shirt or vest at all times. You’ re not allowed to show your chest. We’re not allowed to run or shout in public areas. New Words and Expressions at last adv. 最后,终于 rule n. 规则 vacation n. 假期,休假 such as adv. 例如 equipment n. 设备 black-soled adj. 黑色鞋底的 trainers n. 运动鞋 T-shirt n. T恤衫 vest n. 背心 be allowed to v. 被允许做... New Words and Expressions chest n. 胸部,胸膛 swimsuit n. 游泳衣,泳装 public adj. 公共的,公用的 trousers n. 裤子 body n. 身体 law n. 法律 cyclist n. 骑自行车的人 motorcyclist n. 骑摩托车的人 pedestrian n. 行人 smoke v. 抽烟 New Words and Expressions get off v. + adv. (从...)下来 no entry 禁止入内 straight on adv. 向前走 silence n. 安静,寂静 out of order adv. 出故障 machine n. 机器 danger n. 危险 further away adv. 更远 notice n.告示 sign n. 标志,告示牌 Unit13 What am I doing here? Kelly: Here at last! How do you like Redstone Ranch, Jed? Jed: It looks nice! I’m looking forward to a swim. Kelly: Good idea! But let me tell you the rules first. Jed: Rules? I’m on vacation! Notes on the Text look forward to + doing sth/ sth e.g: I think you should look forward to it. we look forward to hearing from you soon. tell: tell sb to do sth e.g: I have told him to come here! tell sb not to do sth e.g: They were told not to cross the street. Unit13 What am I doing here? Kelly: There are some rules, honey. Jed: Such as? Kelly: Shoes.You can’t use heavy equipment in the gyms without the right shoes. Jed: I’m not going to use heavy equipment. Unit13 What am I doing here? Kelly: And if you go to a dance class, you can’t wear black-soled trainers. Black-soled trainers mark the floors. Jed: When am I going to g


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