
买火柴的小女孩 英中对照.doc

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买火柴的小女孩 英中对照

The art of saying no (tactfully) 拒绝的艺术 Dear Annie: I hope you dont think this is a dumb problem, but I need some advice on how to refuse when people ask me to do things that arent part of my job description, without being rude about it or burning any bridges. Over the past several years, Ive gradually become the go-to person in my department for more and more extra tasks. Im happy to help out, even though it usually means staying an extra hour or two in the evenings to get everything done. 亲爱的安妮: 当有人要求我去做不属于我份内的事情时,我该如何巧妙地拒绝,又不至于让自己看起来显得粗鲁无礼,同时又不会断了门路?希望您不会认为这是个愚蠢的问题,但我确实需要您的建议。过去几年,部门有额外的任务都会交给我,而且数量越来越多。我很愿意帮忙,虽然这通常意味着每天晚上要加班一两个小时来完成这些工作。 But now, my family has my elderly and ill father living with us, and I need to leave work at 6 p.m. on the dot to relieve the home-care nurse. So I want to bring up the idea of dividing the extra work Ive been doing among the five other people on my team -- which sounds simple, except that all my life Ive had trouble saying no to anything that anyone wants me to do. Its always been easier for me to just say yes than to deal with the feeling that Im letting someone down. Do you or your readers have any advice? -- Doormat in Denver 可现在,与我住在一起的父亲年事已高,而且有病在身,我必须在下午六点钟准时下班,来接替保姆。所以,我想建议部门将原先我做的那些额外的工作分摊给其他五个人负责——听起来很容易,只是我生来不擅长拒绝。对我而言,相比让别人失望的感觉,我更愿意点头说“是”。您或您的读者有什么建议吗?——D.D. Dear D.D.: First of all, I dont think this is a dumb problem, and neither does Bob Burg, a speaker and author who frequently hears some variation of this question from audience members in his seminars at Fortune 500 companies. Women tell me they have an especially hard time saying no, but I think its a problem for men, too, Burg says. They just dont admit it as much. 亲爱的D.D.: 首先,我并不认为这是一个“愚蠢的问题”。演讲家、作家鲍勃?伯格也有同样的观点。他在《财富》500强公司(Fortune 500)召开的研讨会上经常听到类似的问题。伯格说:“女性告诉我,她们在说‘不’的时候尤其困难。但我认为男性也面临同样的问题,只是他们很少承认而已。” Most people are generally nice and dont like to disappoint other people, he adds. Where it gets counterproductive is when that impulse takes over and


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