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Lesson Z by 片口义校 朱虹 询问 你怎么了 Whats wrong? Whats wrong with you? have a stomachache have a headache Whats wrong with you? Whats wrong with you? Whats wrong with you? When you have a headache,the doctor will say: When you have a stomachache,the doctor will say: When you have a cold,the doctor will say: When you have a cold,the doctor will say: have a stomachache have a headache Lets Talk Lets chant 1.have a cold A B C 2.drink more water A B C Finish the dialogue box. -Whats wrong with you? -I -You should TIPS 怎样预防禽流感H7N9 1、提高机体的免疫力:平时应加强体育锻炼,注意休息 2、保持良好的个人卫生习惯是预防本病的关键:保持室内空气流通, 打喷嚏或咳嗽时掩住口鼻。 3、避免接触染病的禽类,如鸡、鸭; 避免与禽流感患者接触;对鸡肉等食物应彻底煮熟,避免食用活的或未经煮熟的鸡鸭,特别是煎鸡蛋一定要煎透,避免蛋黄不熟 4发现有类似流感症状要及时就诊。 * Whats wrong with you? have a cold I have a stomachache. have a stomachache I have a headache. I have a cold. You should have a rest. You shouldnt watch TV. You shouldnt eat too much. You should drink more water. You should take some medicine. have a cold take some medicine drink more water Magic box 两个人一组,用今天所学的 短语编对话。 : Whats wrong with you? : I have a cold. : You should drink more water. Whats wrong with you? I have a cold. You should drink more water. Whats wrong with you? I have a headache. You should take some medicine. Whats wrong with you? I have a stomachache. You shouldnt eat too much. cold,cold, have a cold. water,water, drink more water. Whats wrong ,whats wrong Whats wrong with you? have a cold. drink more water. Homework 1.新学的五个短语have a cold ,drink more water等每个抄写三遍一遍汉语。 2.课后与同桌互相练习新学对话。 3预习其他病症的表达法和课文。


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