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新课标高中英语精练——短文改错(30篇) Test 1 Never shall I forget the writing class presented to our English teacher today. Yesterday Mr. Wang, our English teacher, told us that many other teachers would visit writing class he would present to us. We were looking forward to it. It struck us as a big surprise was that Mr. Wang, who was used to be punctual, didn’t appear when the school bell had rung. The teachers sit behind the class were quite puzzled. We were quite worried about him, wondered what might have happened to him. Five minutes late, Mr. Wang showed out in front of us! On the blackboard was the writing titles: When Our English Teacher Was Later for Class… Only then we realize that he had intended to be late! Key to Test 1 1. to(by 2. visit ∧writing: the 3. It(What 4. was used to 5 sit(sitting 6. wondered( wondering 7. late(later 8. out(up 9. titles(title 10. then∧we: did [解析] 3. what引导一个主语从句,意为:令我们很是吃惊的是……。8. show up:露面。 10. 注意倒装结构。 Test 2 Some people learn new skills more quickly than others, so don’t be too discouraged unless some of your classmate seem to be learning English more quickly than you. If you keep on practicing, you will master your English in the end. In the meantime, try to make English learn as fun as possibly. I suggest that you watch English language movies on your free time. I also suggest reading some English language magazines on topics that interests you, joining in the fun and games at your school’s English Corner. If your school doesn’t already have a English corner, you might want to think about starting it. Key to Test 2 1. unless(if 2. classmate(classmates 3. master your English 4. learn(learning 5. possibly(possible 6. on (your free time)(in 7. interests(interest 8. ∧joining: and 9. a(an 10. it(one [解析] 4. “English learning”是 –ing短语做make的宾语。 10. one泛指单数可数名词,此处指的是一个英语角。 Test 3 Thanks for your letter. You are describing a common problem experiencing by students all over China. What you already know, t


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