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普通高中英语课程标准话题项目词汇(Amanda版)话题一个人情况(Personal information)Words active, attractive, curious, diligent, easygoing, energetic, generous, humorous, achieve, succeed, gain, average, ordinary, facial, attitude, degree, scholarship, experienced, confident, requirement, resume简历,schooling学校教育,qualification资格,Expressions1. be aware of 2. be born in 3. be strict with 4. be absorbed in 全神贯注于… 5. devote oneself/ one’s life to 6. be ready/ willing to do 7. make rapid/great progress 8. lead/ live a happy/ simple life 9. make great contributions to 10. take an active part in 11. in his thirties 12.in rags 13. find fault with 吹毛求疵 14. play a joke/ tricks on 15. set an example for 16. follow one’s example 17. appeal to 18. be keen on热衷于…18. graduate from 19. be skilled in/ at, SentencesTo everyone’s surprise, he was admitted to Beijing University.She is tall and slim with big bright eyes and black hair.Only when the war was over could be happily go back to work.话题二家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)Words relationship, relative, generation, beneficial, stable, precious, harmonious, couple, personal, quarrel, separate, accompany, household一家人/家庭, misunderstand, privacy隐私, precious, understanding善解人意的Expressions be friendly/ kind to sb. 2. be willing/ ready to do sth. 3. be strict with/ hard on sb. 4. live in harmony with sb. 5. make friends with 6. turn to sb for help /advice 7. have a heart-to-heart talk with sb. 8. get on/ along well with sb 9. generation gap 10. have sth in common 11. keep in touch with 12. make friends with sb 13. have a strong personality个性强 14. personal matters 私事 15. a close friend 一个亲密的朋友 16. be loyal to 忠诚 17. keep sb company陪伴,作伴SentencesSitting on the train, I thought my dad would be very happy when he saw the present.I woke up very late, only to find that my wife had gone to work.With his help, I made such great progress that I was praised by my teacher.Compared with other teachers, Mr. Li pays more attention to his way of teaching than the content


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