有机化学 Chap.01.ppt

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有机化学 Chap.01

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 研究人员最近对一些结婚约20年的人进行了脑部扫描。这些人自称婚姻美满,而且像刚结婚时那样如胶似漆,这在已婚进中是少数现象。这些男女的大脑有两个部位与腹侧被盖区一样活跃;苍白球腹侧核和中缝核。 苍白球腹侧核与依恋感和缓解压力的激素有关;中缝核则会消耗“有镇静作用”的血清素。 布朗说,这些区域产生了“一种一切顺利的感觉。这种快乐感不太明显,但毫无疑问是值得的”。 爱尔兰科学家发表文章称,迷恋政治权利可上瘾,并且会对脑部产生对应影响,而其作用机理同吸食毒品类似。爱尔兰都伯林三一学院(Trinity College)的心理学家伊恩·罗伯特森(Ian Robertson)经过多年潜心研究,发现很多政治领导人和狒狒一样,对政权都有着极端迷恋度。 * 苍白球腹侧核与依恋感和缓解压力的激素有关;中缝核则会分泌“有镇静作用”的血清素。 * * 对一夫一妻制的草原田鼠来说,加压素的受体游离于身体各处,而在一个叫作腹侧苍白球的地方大量存在 * 当然,爱情可能会破裂,但大脑的神经活动或相关记忆并不会随之消失,这也是失恋者痛苦的根源。更有甚者,尾状核与成瘾相关的区域始终保持活跃状态,对这样的人安慰说时间会改变一切是没用的。 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * sp hybrid sp Hybrid orbital sp hybrid orbital: A hybrid orbital made by the combination of one s orbital and one p orbitals * * ethyne * * ? bond ? bond electrons controlled by nucleus strong weak orbitals overlapping large small stability stable instable break bond difficult easy free rotation can can not independent existent can can not * Parameters of covalent bond 1. Bond length 2. Bond angle 3. Bond energy: The amount of energy that must be applied to break a bond into two neutral species. * 4. Polarity (极性) : Two nonidentical atoms have different electronegativities (电负性) will attract the shared electrons to different extents, creating a dipole, causing polarity (internality). 5. Polarizability (极化性) : Exterior electric field causing the redistribution of shared electrons and changing the polarity of covalent bond (externality). * Because of their differing nuclear charges, and as a result of shielding by inner electron shells, the different atoms of the periodic table have different affinities for nearby electrons. The abi


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