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William Faulkner (1897-1962)福克纳 Southern Literature and Faulkner’s Yoknapatawpha saga Southern Literature The South: the Deep South: South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana the extended South, including also the border states such as Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Arkansas and Texas A unique history tradition: agrarian, the aristocratic plantation system, the cavalier tradition (骑士传统), institution of slavery little popular edu., art literature of little consequence The Civil War and Reconstruction (1865-1876) The abolition of slavery and the new status of blacks A history of decline and losing glory since industrialization and CW, sense of frustration and destruction, conflict bet. tradition and the new values Southern renaissance In the 20th cent. , southern lit. became not only distinguished but very diverse, yet it has often laid stress on regionalism. By 1920’s, a literary movement known as the Southern Renaissance emerged. There was a domination of southern lit. for at least 4 decades in Am. Lit. Southern renaissance Representatives: Ellen Glasgow, Kate Chopin: precursors to the movement William Faulkner Katherine Anne Porter, Eudora Welt, Carson McCullers Tennessee Williams, Flannery O’Conner Characteristics of southern literature Southern literature can be defined as literature about the South, written by authors who were raised in the South. --- Characteristics of southern literature are: a. The importance of family, sense of community, and religion. b. The importance of time and place, exploration of the past, sense of human limitation (moral dilemma). c. The use of southern voice and dialect. Most of the novels are written as a Southerner actually speaks. Many books also describe the historical importance of the southern town. Major themes of Southern Literature: Aristocratic life on the plantation The A


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