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* MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS AND TIRE DESIGN 材料特性和轮胎设计 TIRE APRIL 2013 * TIRE REQUIREMENTS 轮胎性能要求 For optimum performance, the design of the radial tire must take into consideration the requirements of each area of the tire: 为实现最佳性能,子午胎设计必须考虑轮胎各区域的不同性能要求 1. The bead area must be strong and stiff in order to prevent excessive movement and the resulting heat generation in the bead area, and to keep the tire on the rim. 胎圈部位必须足够强硬以降低过度形变导致的胎圈生热,也可以更好地把轮胎固定在轮辋上。 2. The belt assembly must also be stiff to prevent excessive movement and heat generation, and to keep the tread flat against the road surface. 带束层组合件也应足够强硬以避免过度形变导致的生热,也可以保持胎面在路面行驶时保持平坦。 * TIRE REQUIREMENTS 3. The sidewall must be strong enough to hold the air pressure inside the tire, and also flexible enough to deflect and absorb some of the forces acting on the tire, and to transmit forces between the tread and the bead area. 胎侧需要足够强壮以保持内压,也要足够柔韧,以转移和吸收轮胎受力,并传递胎面和胎圈部位受力 4. The transition between the stiff tread area and the stiff bead area must be smooth in order to prevent hinge points or isolated areas of stress within the tire. 胎面与胎圈的过度区域需要平滑,以避免出现应力集中点或死点。 * FACTORS TO CONSIDER 要因 TIRE DEFLECTION 轮胎形变 IN-SERVICE TIRE GROWTH 使用胀大 SHEAR FORCES 切应力 STRAIN FORCES 变形力 STRESS RISERS 应力断差 HINGE POINTS 铰链点 MODULUS GRADIENTS 模量坡度 * TIRE DEFLECTION 轮胎形变 Tire deflection is the change in the shape of the loaded tire as it rolls, and is the sum of the mold shape, the materials used, the compounding and the construction of the tire. 轮胎的变形是轮胎在负荷转动情况下形状的变化,是模具,原材料,胶料和结构的综合体现。 The deflection characteristics are defined as the amount and the location of the change. 变形特性用变形的程度和位置来衡量。 * TIRE DEFLECTION CHARACTERISTICS 轮胎形变特性 The deflection characteristics change with a change in the load, or a change in the inflation pressure. 变形特性会随着负荷或气压的变化而变化。 For TBR, we want the least amount of deflection in the most critical areas of the tire: the belt edges and the body ply ending. At the same time, the tire must def


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