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概念speaking 英语语法+口语实用句 崔荣容 《概念speaking》Stage1~4,一共87课(Stage1:25课、Stage2:22课、Stage3:20课、Stage4:20课),是将英语的语法概念和口语speaking相结合的一套讲座,希望同学们在听讲座的同时能够大声跟读,练习口语。 Stage 1 第1课 现在进行时 进行时 一般时 完成时 他在房间里睡觉吗?不,他没在房间里睡觉,他在客厅里睡觉。 Is he sleeping in his room? No,he is not sleeping in his room. He is sleeping in the living room. 你在指那个戴眼镜的人吗?我没指戴眼镜的人,我在指那个背着包的人。 Are you pointing at the guy with the glasses? No,I am not pointing at the guy with the glasses. I am pointing at the guy with a backpack. 餐馆工站在门前吗?没有,餐馆工没站在门前,他站在厨师和服务员中间。 Is the busboy standing in front of the door? No,the busboy is not standing in front of the door. He is standing between the cook and the waiter. 第2课 现在进行时表示将来 表示打算要做某事,或谓语动词为come, go, leave,start, stay, move, arrive等时,可用现在进行时表示将来的动作,句末通常有表示将来的时间状语,以区别正在进行。 你们都打算下个月月初去滑雪吗? *滑雪go skiing Are you guys going skiing at the start of next month? 不,我们不打算下个月月初去滑雪,我们打算下个月月末去滑雪 No,we are not going skiing at the start of next month. We are going skiing at the end of next month. 你要去同一家理发店吗? Are you going to the same hairdresser? 不,我不是去同一家理发店。我是去另一家理发店。 No, I am not going to the same hairdresser. I am going to a different hairdresser. *非be going to do,此处是be going to +名词,仍是用进行时表示将来。 你打算在一号离开吗? Are you leaving on the 1st? 不,我不打算在一号离开,我打算在二号离开。 No ,I am not leaving on the 1st,I am leaving on the 2nd. 我们今天晚上坐火车回家吗? Are we taking the train home tonight? 不,我们今晚不坐火车回家,我们坐公共汽车回家。 No, we are not taking the train home, we are taking the bus home. 你今天晚上要练举重吗? Are you doing weights tonight? 不,今天晚上不练举重,练瑜伽。 No, I am not doing weights,I am doing yoga. 第3课 现在进行时表示将来或持续进行 Gloria今天要走着去上班。 Gloria is walking to work today. (现在进行时表示将来) 真奇怪,她从来没走着上过班。 That’s strange. She never walks to work. (一般现在时表示习惯) 她今天一直朝我们微笑。 She is smiling at us today. (现在进行时表示持续进行) 真奇怪,她从来没朝我们笑过。 That’s weird. She never smiles at us. Eric今天一直朝他的学生们大喊。 Eric is shouting at his students today. (现在进行时表示持续进行) 真奇怪,他从来没朝学生喊过。 That’s weird. He never shouts at his students. 他要坐汽车去上班。 He is taking the bus to work. (现在进


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