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Money If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish motives, be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win more false friends and true enemies, succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you, be frank and honest anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight, build anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow, do good anyway. People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered, forgive them anyway. 如果你友善,人们可能会指责你有自私动机。但无论如何,还是友善吧。 如果你成功,你会遇到更多假意的朋友和真正的敌人。但无论如何,还是成功吧。 如果你真诚坦率,别人可能会欺骗你。但无论如何,还是坦率真诚吧。 你花费多年建构的东西,别人可以在一夜之间摧毁。但无论如何,还是建构吧。 你今天做的好事,别人通常明天就会忘记。但无论如何,还是做好事吧。 人们通常是不可理喻,不按逻辑,自我中心。但无论如何,还是原谅他们吧。 It’s easy to take for granted the simple beauties that surround us. Take time today to feel the warmth of the sun on your face. To smell the flowers in your path To watch with wonderful butterfly’s dance. Happiness is found along the way, not at the end of the road. 我们很容易会把身边那平常的美丽视为理所当然。 今天花点时间去感受阳光照射在你脸上的那种温暖。 去闻闻沿路花香。 去观察美蝶跳舞。 快乐是在沿路发现的,而不是在路的尽头。 One night around midnight, we walked to the top of a hill and lay down on the grass, facing the dark night sky. With the sound of tree frogs dancing in my ears, I saw the Milky Way for the first time. There above me was a part of the sky so dense with stars that it looked like the creator had thrown milk across the sky. Many of the stars we see at night may no longer exist. They are so far away from our earth that it takes millions of years for the light to reach us. I was seeing the light of some stars that were already extinguished. Some people’s lives were like that, shining a light in the world long after they were gone. 一天晚上,大约午夜时分,我们走到山顶,躺在草地上,仰望漆黑夜空。伴随着在我耳边跃动的树蛙声,我第一次看到银河。在我头顶上,部分天际,繁星稠密,似乎造物者在天空泼洒牛奶。 晚上我们看到的星星可能已经不复存在了。它们远在地球以外数百万光年。当时我看到的一些星星,现在已经灭绝了。 一些人的生命也像如此:在他们离开很久之后,他们才有机会在世界闪耀光彩。 You are the



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