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第九讲 聚集与流散 (Compact vs. Diffusive) 对比视野中的翻译策略 调整句子结构 近读华君武一幅题为“谨防”的漫画,画面上两个人骑着装满良心的三轮车,车上插着“收购良心”、“方式价格面议”的广告牌。 A couple of days ago , I came across a piece of Hua’s caricature with a title“ be cautious” on which two men are riding a tricycle with a fall load of“ conscious” and aboard which says“ Purchase conscience , for particulars ,negotiate face to face”. 眼下,咱只盼着有关部门对“工薪族”们作一个详细的调查,对我们的收入心里有个数,别出来个咱累死也够不着的房价。 Now , I am expecting the departments concerned to survey on us“ the salaried”, so as to gain a clear under2standing of our income and abandon such a high price we can’t afford even if we toil to death. 调整句子重心 有忠于职守,廉洁自律,为人称颂的“好官”,也有贪赃枉法,胡作非为的贪官,还有大事不理,小事纠缠的糊涂官,当然也少不了吃喝玩乐的逍遥官、风流官。 Some are widely praised good officials for their self- discipline and devotion to their official duties. Some are ill - behaved officials breaking the law for bribes ,some are muddle headed officials lingering over trifles in2stead of important issues of course , there are also amorous officials indulging in pleasure - seeking , addicting to sen2sual pleasure. 为了恪守良心,保全人格,为了民族气节,国家尊严,居然炒了老板的“鱿鱼”,砸了自己的饭碗,得到社会各界普遍称颂。 All of them are common people who have been wide2ly praised by people of all walks of life for their unusual deeds ———they went so far as to say good - bye to their bosses , therefore lost their jobs for sake of conscience ,personality and national integrity and dignity. 转换视点 30 万,一个真正的“工薪族”一年就算勒紧裤腰带攒下一万元,也要30 年。 30 ,000 yuan , it will take30 years for a genuine member of the salaried , even if he lives frugally all the year round. 我们说,长征是历史上的第一次,长征是宣传书,长征是宣传队,长征是播种机。 We answer that the Long March is the first of its kind in the annals of history , that it is a manifesto , a propaganda force , a seeding - machine. * 英语民族重架构分析, 使得西方人惯于“由一列多”的思维,其语言,句子结构以主语和谓语为核心,统摄各种短语和从句,由主列次、递相迭加、结构复杂,形成了“树杈形”的句式结构 汉语民族重意念综合, 使得中国人注重整体和和谐,强调“从多而一”的思维形式,句子结构以整体意念为中心,以时间顺序为语序链,形成“流水型”的句式结构。 吕叔湘: 汉语里持多流水句,一个子句接一个子句,很多地方可断可连,汉语的这种流水句式,用节节短句逐点交待,把问题层层展开,这使得在表达相同内容上,汉语句子在数量上往往多于英汉句子 英语句子以主语


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