牛津译林版英语八年级下册Unit1 Integrated skills课件(共19张PPT).ppt

牛津译林版英语八年级下册Unit1 Integrated skills课件(共19张PPT).ppt

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牛津译林版英语八年级下册Unit1 Integrated skills课件(共19张PPT)

* Integrated skills Unit1 Past and present 初中英语译林版八年级 学习目标 一、掌握词汇:environment, condition, return, primary 词组:living condition, clean and fresh air, keep in touch with 二、通过录音,获取有关星光镇变化的具体信息,并根据获取的信息做笔记并完成日记。 三、简单谈论自己和朋友的过去和未来。 Free talk Talk about the environment, transport and living conditions of Sunshine Town. Do you know great changes have taken place in Starlight Town? Pre-task: Look and say Look and say hills, lake, ducks, birds, bicycle, bus, small house, trees and grass, … tall buildings, roads, cars, … While-task1: Listen and finish A1 1 Environment: green ____ , clean and fresh ____, wild ____ near the lake 2 Transport: bus and ________ 3 Living conditions: old _______ Past air hills birds houses bicycle While-task2: Listen and finish A2 1. Environment: smaller ____ , new ______ station, tall _________ and new roads. 2. Transport : bus, taxi and ____ 3. Living conditions: new ____ Present lakes railway buildings train flats Task3: Help kitty complete her diary air bicycle birds buildings flats hills houses modern railway taxi 13 February Dear Diary, Today, I borrowed a book about Starlight Town’s past and present. Starlight Town was very beautiful years ago. There were green _______ and wild _______ near the lake. The _______ was clean and fresh then. hills air railway Now it has become a _______ town. There is a new _______ station. There are some new roads too. people can now travel to and from the town by bus, ____, or train, but in the past, people could only travel by bus or ______. Another big change is the many tall _______ in the town. Local people used to live in old _______, but now, most of them have moved into new _______. Starlight Town has changed a lot over the years. I hope I can visit it again. modern railway taxi bicycle buildings houses flats Make a dialogue 两人一组,将星光镇的过去和现在做一个对比,可从环境、交通方式和居住条件等方面展开改编对话。 A: What was the environment like in the past in Starlight Town? B: There were green hills, clean



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