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CAT; A cat is a small carnivorous mammal with soft fur and a short snout 动物的鼻子. It is often kept as a pet or for catching mice.; Cats have strong, flexible灵活的 bodies, quick reflexes反应 and sharp retractable可收回的 claws爪子.; Cats can hear sounds too faint微弱的 or too high in frequency频率 for human ears, such as those made by mice and other small animals.; They can see in near darkness. Like most other mammals, cats have poorer color vision颜色分辨力 and a better sense of smell嗅觉 than humans.; Cats conserve保存 energy by sleeping more than most animals, especially as they grow older. Cats usually sleep 12–16 hours a day. ; Cats spend a lot of time licking their coat to keep it clean. ; Cats often purr咕噜咕噜叫 when they are contented满意的: when being petted, becoming relaxed轻松的, or eating.;Some types of cats;暹罗猫;布偶猫;苏格兰折耳猫;英国短毛猫;波斯猫;俄罗斯蓝猫;Questions;1.Why do we keep cats?;2.Do cats have good listening?;3.Can cats see in darkness?;4.How long do cats sleep a day?;5.Why do cats always lick their coat?;6.Why do cats purr?; This is my cat whose name is Maomao, and she is one year old. Is she cute?;The end


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