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环保类核心词汇; afforestation;造林 N alternative forms of energy;替代能源 N classify;分类,归类 collapse;倒塌, 崩溃 conserve;保护 ; contagious disease;接触传染病 contaminate;v弄脏,污染;污染adj contamination;污染 deforestation;砍伐森林 drinking water;饮用水; dry up;枯竭 ecological balance生态平衡 ecosystem生态系统 endangered species濒临灭绝的物种 environmental degradation环境恶化; environmental protection环境保护 environmentalist环境生态学家 environmentally friendly环保的 extinct灭绝的 global warming全球变暖; greenhouse gas导致温室效应的气体 household rubbish家具垃圾 humanity人类 人性 industrial waste;工业废料; nonrecyclable不可回收利用的 nonrenewable resources不可再生资源 offspring后代子孙; ozone臭氧 pollutant污染物 purify净化 rain forest雨林 recyclable可循环再用的; rural dweller sacrifice sewage soil erosion solar energy; substitute sustainable development the greenhouse effect the Industrial Revolution toxic waste; uninhabitable urban dweller urbanization vegetation waste disposal; 词汇大串联;令人遗憾的,for nature,biodiversity面临严峻的挑战due almost entirely to one strong competitor-humans。 Global human population的急剧增长has resulted in major threats to our natural environment and many of its species。;令人遗憾的,for nature,biodiversity面临严峻的挑战due almost entirely to one strong competitor-humans。 It is a pity for nature that biodiversity is facing rigid challenge due almost entirely to one strong competitor-humans.;Global human population的急剧增长has resulted in major threats to our natural environment and many of its species。 The dramatic increase in global human population has resulted in major threats to our natural environment and many of its species.;Soil degradation是由deforestation,poor land and water management,过分使用fertilizers and pesticides,poor waste disposal,clearance of poor land for growing food and air pollution等因素造成的。 Soil degradation影响世界1/3的土地,and diminishes its ability to produce food for the growing population.;Soil degradation是由deforestation,poor land and water management,过分使用fertilizers and pesticides,poor waste disposal,clearance of poor land for growing food and air


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