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* * * * 饲喂赖氨酸 How to feed pigs lysine 阶段饲养法优点 Advantages of phase feeding 根据需要配方,满足各阶段营养需求 Meet nutrient requirement for different stages 根据生理特点,选择合适原料 Chose ingredients for phases – age of pig 节约成本 Reduce cost 减少对环境的污染 Reduce waste/ pollution 最大经济效益 Better economics 玉米、豆粕中必需氨基酸与猪的需要量 Contribution of AA from corn and SBM, relative to the requirement of a 40 kg pig 玉米 74.1%, 豆粕 24.3%,粗蛋白 17.7% Corn,74.1%, SBM 24.3%, CP 17.7% 精 组 异亮 亮 赖 蛋 +光 本丙 苏 色 缬 玉米、豆粕中必需氨基酸与猪的需要量 Contribution of AA from corn and SBM, relative to the requirement of a 40 kg pig 玉米 84.1%, 豆粕 12.9%,合成氨基酸,粗蛋白 13% Corn,84.1%, SBM 12.9%, Syn AA, CP 13.0% 精 组 异亮 亮 赖 蛋+光 本丙 苏 色 缬 营 养 学 真 意 The Reality of Nutrition 产 出 = ( 遗 传+ 环 境+ 营 养 ) * 管 理 P = ( G + E + N ) * M * Please use this general format in all slides. Chinese title in ‘YELLOW’ with small English subscript in ‘RED’. Chinese subtitles in ‘WHITE’ with small English subscript in ‘RED’ * * * * * * * Feed once a day. Usually finish eating within 30 min. Sick pick eat slow or eat less * * * Noel Williams from PIC North America showed if gilts were bred @ greater than 135 kg one would expect fewer pigs born over 3 parities. This graph also shows a slight decrease in extremely heavy gilts as well. In addition extremely heavy gilts will have poorer performance as will be discussed next. * * Noel Williams from PIC North America showed if gilts were bred @ greater than 135 kg one would expect fewer pigs born over 3 parities. This graph also shows a slight decrease in extremely heavy gilts as well. In addition extremely heavy gilts will have poorer performance as will be discussed next. * * * 22 18 * * * Same feed show carry over effect * 22 18 After 1st week 50% of pan should be covered/ 1st week



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