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Water and Sewage Treatment Objectives of Water Treatment The objectives for water treatment derive from two concerns Human health and welfare The health of aquatic ecosystems Water treatment for domestic and commercial uses Primary water treatment Primary treatment: Remove solids by screening and settling The sewage is passed through a screen to remove large pieces of debris (e.g. sticks, stones, rags, and plastic bags). Next, the sewage enters a grit chamber, where the water flow is slowed just enough to allow coarse sand and gravel to settle out on the bottom. Water then enters the sedimentation tank, its flow rate is further decreased to permit suspended solids to settle out as raw sludge. Primary water treatment (Continued) Ca(OH)2 and Al2 (SO4)3 are often added to speed up the sedimentation process. 3 Ca(OH)2 + Al2(SO4)3 ? 2 Al(OH)3 + 3 CaSO4 Al(OH)3 is a gelatinous precipitation that settles out slowly, carrying suspended material and bacteria with it. Oily material floats to the surface and is skimmed off. The grit is collected and disposed in landfill. The raw sludge: Old way: incinerated, disposed in landfill or dumped at sea. New way: composted to produce a nutrient rich bacteria-free material for use as fertilizer. Primary treatment Secondary treatment Secondary treatment, also called biological treatment: Use bacteria to break down organic compounds to CO2. A mixture of organisms – termed activated sludge– is added to the sewage effluent. Air or oxygen is vigorously bubbled through pipes into the effluent. The aerobic bacteria digest the organic material and break it down into CO2 and water. The bacteria and any remaining undecomposed material are returned to the aeration tank and reused. Activated sludge process Secondary treatment of municipal wastewater Tertiary treatment Remove N and P nutrients. P removal by precipitation with lime 3 PO43- + CaO (lime) ? Ca5(PO4)3(OH) Phosphate can also be removed by microorganisms that absorb phosphate. NH4


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