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Unit Five Technology Electronic Design Automation Electronics workbench is abbreviated to EWB and it is a kind of virtual electronics workbench software used in electronics and circuit simulations created by Canada Interactive Image Technology Company. It can be simulated for analog, digital and hybrid circuits. The features of this software are to adopt visual graphic interface and simulate the real experiments on computer screen. By using the ways of capturing screen to select the components, users create circuits and link the measuring instruments. The software instruments external form of control panel and operation method is similar to the real instrument; it can display the real time measuring results. EWB Software has circuit components library in abundance, and provides many methods of circuit analysis, design and printed circuit board (PCB) software. EWB is also an excellent tool of electronic technology training. By using virtual instruments provided, you can use more flexible ways to make experiments than that of test in laboratory, and simulate the circuit real function status, familiar with electronic instrument measuring methods in common use. As electronics products become more and more complex, driving additional functionality into smaller and cheaper devices, the design and testing process gets more difficult. In the design space, there is tremendous pressure on the design tool vendors to open their products so users can have a streamlined and connected design tool chain. Electronic design automation (EDA) software can incorporate more and more technology into their basic schematic modeling and simulation tools, and then automate the conversion of these electrical designs into physical chips or boards. In the manufacturing space, more companies are adopting a flexible modular hardware and software approach based on virtual instrumentations, so they can easily add measurement components to the


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