电子商务 internet-marketing.ppt

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电子商务 internet-marketing

Internet Marketing Marketing process that is needed to understand consumers wants focusing on a product or service to those wants to mold the consumers toward the products or services fundamental to any businesses growth create the consumer awareness of the products or services Internet Marketing online marketing or Emarketing marketing of products or services over the Internet interactive ties together creative and technical aspects of the internet, including design, development, advertising and sales Internet Marketing Methods search engine marketing display advertising e-mail marketing affiliate marketing interactive advertising online reputation management Social Media Marketing Methods: blog marketing, and viral marketing Email marketing Less expensive Most effective online marketing tactic Email is short compared to a mailed ad Email messages are easy to track Email marketing is paper-free The delivery time for Email message is short Push the messages to its audience Advisors can generate repeat business affordably and automatically. Advantages availability of great amounts of information accessibility reduced need for a sales force faster and easier expansion of business relatively low cost of entry Advantages one-to-many approach behavioral targeting measurability response and immediate results Limitations not all people may get the message low speed Internet connections inability of shoppers to touch, smell, taste or try-on tangible goods before making an online purchase How to Succeed Have goals Innovate Be disciplined Know your product and services well Communicate well Be Updated Be Passionate Focus on the Product or Service * * * Wikipedia: Marketing * * * process of creating or reorganizing an organization to be successful in selling a product or service that people not only desire, but are willing to buy SEM - Search Engine Marketing, or SEM, is a form of Internet Marketing that seeks to promote websites by increasing their visibility


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