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Lead time(提前期) Lead time---the amount of time between the placement of the order and its receipt is referred to as the lead time.(在下订单和收到货物之间的一段时间叫做提前期) 如:ACT的提前期是9个工作日。 Reorder point(再订购点) Reorder point---the inventory level at which the order is placed is called the reorder point.(下订单时的库存水平) Reorder point=(daily demand)*(lead time) Safety stock 送货的延迟将导致库存短缺,因此库存经理有时会提高一点在订购点以在送货延迟时有些回旋余地。这种额外的防止送货延迟的库存叫做安全库存(safety stock) * EOQ model Number of setups per year = ( annual demand rate) / (order quantity) =D/Q Average inventory level =(max. level + Min. level)/2 =(Q+0)/2=Q/2 TVC=annual setup cost + annual holding cost = k(D/Q)+h(Q/2) ACT Inventory Cost D Q K($) h ($) k (D/Q) ($) h (Q/2) ($) TVC ($) 6000 1000 115 4.20 690 2100 2790 6000 1500 115 4.20 460 3100 3560 6000 500 115 4.20 1380 1050 2430 准备成本 持有成本 年总成本 Summary With different Q, TVC is different. There exists optimal Q making TVC minimum. How to find the optimal Q? §10.4 the optimal inventory policy for the basic EOQ model 基本EOQ模型的最优库存策略 Optimal order quantity Min TVC=k(D/Q)+h(Q/2) Let Then, Q*= Result Analysis Original Q=1000 tires, now Q*=573 Nearly 43 percent reduction in average inventory levels. 14 percent reduction in the total variable cost. (original $2790, now $2407) 准备次数由原来的6次升到了10.47 Sensitivity Analysis The accuracy of optimal order quantity depends on the accuracy of the data that went into the analysis. Each of these data (k,h) could be off by as much as 10 percent in either direction. Setup cost: $103.50 to $126.50 Unit holding cost: $3.78 to $4.62 Q*=573 The EOQ model with planned shortages 有计划缺货的EOQ模型 §12.5 * The EOQ model with planned shortages TVC=年准备成本+年持有成本+年缺货成本 年准备成本= 年持有成本=h×(库存水平为正时的平均库存水平) ×(正库存水平所占时间比例) = 年缺货成本=p×(当缺货出现时的平均缺货水平) ×(缺货所占的时间比例) =


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