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Desert Questions: Have you ever been to a desert? What kind of picture will you think of when referred to desert ? New words scorch v. 烤焦,烧焦 Text Paragraph 1. A scorching sun, an endless sea of sand and a waterless, forbiddingly lonely land—that is the image most people have of deserts. 炎炎烈日下,无尽海的沙子和无水,令人生畏而孤独的土地,是大多数人对沙漠的印像。 Scorching adj. 炽热的 scorch [sk??t?]? v. 烧烤,烧焦 (scorching adj. 灼热的) e.g. She scorched the cake.她把蛋糕烤焦了。 forbiddingly [f?bidi?li]? adv. 难以接近地,令人生畏地 e.g. Among?his?mature?works,? the best known are the forbiddingly titled our socialism Centred?on?the Masses?Shall Not?Perish?and?On the?Art?of?the?Cinema.? 在其较成熟的作品中,最著名是令人望而生畏的《我们以群众为中心的 社 会主义必将永垂不朽》和《论电影艺术》。 e.g. The days?were?bright?with?snow, the?nights?forbiddingly?dark. 白天被积雪映照得异常明亮,夜晚又陷入难耐的漆黑。 It may fall in a sudden sweeping flood that carries everything in its path. 它像洪水一样可以横扫它所经之处。 The Mojave desert in the United States remained dry for 25 years. 美国的莫哈韦沙漠25年都处于干旱之中。 Paragraph 2. It may fall once or twice a year in a fierce torrent that fades almost as soon as it has begun. 它可能会一年下一两次倾盆大雨,然而 形成的洪流又会很快消失。 Once or twice a year 一年一两次 fierce [f??s] adj. 强烈的,强劲的,猛烈的 e.g. fierce competition 激烈的竞争 Some?students?riot in?fierce?argument 有些学生热衷于激烈的辩论。 Torrent [t?r(?)nt]? n. 洪流,倾盆大雨 torrential adj. 滔滔不绝的,湍急的 evaporate [?v?p?re?t]? v. (使)蒸发 ,消失 e.g. The puddle evaporated rapidly in the sun. 水坑在阳光下迅速蒸发。 Her hopes evaporated. 她的希望化为乌有了。 There are virtually no clouds or trees to protect the earth’s surface and it can be burning hot. 这里几乎没有云或树来保护土地表面,它可以热的发烫。 sweetering be burning hot 气候极热 virtually adv. 事实上,几乎;实质上 e.g. This?word?has?virtually?dropped out?of?usage?today. 这个词实际上现在几乎已不再使用了。 Paragraph 3. Without water no living thing can survive, and one feature of true desert landscape is the absence of vegetation. 没有水, 就没有生物可以生存, 真正沙漠景观的一个特征就是植被缺乏。 one fe



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