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英语翻译复习 Unit one 1、I have never had much patience with the writer who claim from the reader an effort to understand their meaning. [重组] 有些作家,读者要费力才能看懂他们的意思,为对这样的作家一向上没有耐心的。 2、When Chou En-lai’s door opened they saw a slender man of more than average height with gleaming eyes and a face so striking that it bordered on the beautiful. [重组] 周恩来的房门打开时,他们看到一个身材修长的人,身高中等偏上,目光炯炯有神,面部轮廓分明,称得上清秀。 3、If the man who was seen to take an umbrella from the City Church last Sunday evening does not wish to get into trouble,he will return the umbrella to NO.10 Broad Street.He is well known. [重组] 上星期日傍晚,有人曾见到某君在市教堂取走雨伞一把。取伞者若不愿卷入纠纷,还是将伞送回布劳德街十号为妙。不然,此君为谁,人尽皆知。 4、I’ve pinned a note on the notice board as a reminder of our meeting next week. [词类转换] 我在布告牌上别了个纸条用来提醒我们下周见面。 5、This essay is a proof of his capability of using the “right” word at the right place. [词类转换] 这篇文章说明他能够把词用的很得体。 6、The complexity of the road map puzzled the truck driver. [词类转换] 交通图非常复杂,使卡车司机如坠迷雾。 Admission by Invitation Only. [正反译] 非请莫入。 He loses no time in practicing English. [正反译] 他抓紧一切时间练习英语。 I have read your articles.I expected to meet an older man. [正反译] 文章已拜读,没想到你这么年轻。 As fire tries gold,so does adversity try courage. [因果?] 正如火可以试金一样,逆境也可以考验人的勇气。 11、Just as no two words are truly synonyms,so no two different expressions,or ways of expression can mean exactly the same thing. [因果?] 正如没有两个词上完全的同义词一样,也没有两种表达法能表达完全相同的意思。 12、Unit two Time is of no account with great thoughts,which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their authors’ minds ages ago. [拆分法] 时间和伟大的思想没有关系。那些思想至今仍然和当时在头脑中闪现时的情形一样,如此鲜活。 He is the man who I am told made a fortune out of the traffic in arms when he was in the service of a certain general in the middle East and subsequently lost it in one night at a gambling house in Monaco. [拆分法] 有人告诉我曾经有这么一个人:他在中东的一个将军手下做事的时候在军火交易上发了一大笔财,后来一夜之间在摩纳哥的一家赌场又把它输光。 If you fail to settle the payment in two weeks,we’ll have to pass the matter to our legal department. [正反译] 如果你方两星期内不付清货款的话,我方将会把此事移交本



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