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Part 1 of 4: Know What to Look For Look for signs of harassment. Cyber bullying often takes the form of one person harassing another through emails, instant messages, text messages or other modes of electronic communication. Harassment is taking place if the bully is directly contacting someone with one or more of the following types of messaging: 找到骚扰的迹象,网络霸凌通常以一个人用邮件,实时讯息,短信或其他电子通讯的形式骚扰别人的形式出现。当下面几种骚扰形式出现时,这就说明你已经被网络霸凌了。 Hateful or threatening verbal messages. This includes name-calling, attempts to control someones behavior by threatening to expose embarrassing information and/or threats of violence.[1] 包含憎恶或恐吓的短信这包含中伤别人,期望用威胁暴露别人的个人尴尬视频或用暴力来控制其他人的行为。 Embarrassing or threatening images or videos。用来骚扰或恐吓的视频和图像。 An unending barrage of emails, instant messages or texts, whether or not they are threatening in nature.不停的骚扰邮件,持续的短信,不管它在本质上是不是恐吓。 Lies about the person to make them look bad.[2] 挑拨离间的谎言 Look for signs of public humiliation. Another common form of cyber bullying happens when the bully harasses a target by way of public embarrassment, rather than directly contacting him or her. Cyber bullies may use these public tactics:找见公众羞辱你的表现。网络霸凌的另一个标志是它会用公众羞辱的方式来骚扰,而不是直接联系他或她。网络霸凌会利用公众效应。 Posting humiliating messages on a social media site, a blog, or another public space.把侮辱性信息贴在视频网站,博客或其他公共空间里。 Spreading rumors and gossip using social media, text messages and other tools.利用公众媒体或其他工具来散播谣言或八卦 Sharing pictures or videos that are embarrassing or explicit in nature, or are altered with the intent to humiliate, on social media websites and through text messaging.散播露骨或尴尬的,或以羞辱为目的恶意篡改的图片或视频于媒体或短信上。 Creating a website filled with defamatory images, insults, and rumors about the target.制作一个针对目标的,充斥着诽谤图片,侮辱性语言和谣言的网站。 3 Look for signs of impersonation. A less obvious, but equally harmful form of cyberbullying takes place when the bully attacks someone by impersonating him or her as a way to bring about humiliation or punishment. In this case it is more difficult to identif


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