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美国历史之殖民地法案很多学生和GIC的老师说,很想知道美国关于殖民相关的条例,今天环宇鸿泽的老师就给大家讲讲关于殖民地的内点事儿哦!1.???? Proclamation of言This document, signed by King George III in 1763, set a line of demarcation that barred American colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains. The British saw this as a quick and easy way to make peace with the Native American tribes of the region. British colonists, on the other hand, were incensed by the apparent permanent interference of the Crown in their ability to rightfully take land they had won in battle. Most colonists simply ignored the line and settled west in larger numbers than before the French and Indian War.由英王乔治三世签署的1763宣言明令禁止美国殖民者进入阿帕拉契亚山脉(美国东部南北走向的山脉)以西。英国人自认为这是和山脉以西的北美土著保持和平的好方法,殊不知殖民者因为英王明目张胆地干涉他们使用自己打仗赢来的土地而无比愤怒。很多殖民者对这一宣言熟视无睹,以更大的规模大举西迁。2.???? Sugar Acts糖税法案These acts of 1764 raised the previous amount demanded on sweeteners (molasses and sugar) from the older Molasses Act of 1733. Britain wanted to collect the tax revenue they had been losing to the Triangular Trade by taxing molasses from the West Indies and abroad, but mainly the tax was levied to make money for the crown.1764年颁布的这些法案比1733年的糖税需求更多的糖类(molasses and suga,翻译比较微妙,可以当做糖蜜和食用糖)。英国方面希望能够通过这个对西印度群岛和其他地方的糖征税的法案补偿他们在三角贸易中损失的税收利益,大部分钱都直接归给英国皇家了。3.???? Quartering Act驻营条例This act of 1765 required colonial citizens to provide room and board for British soldiers stationed in the colonies. This act was tame in the eyes of the colonists-it was laxly enforced and rarely affected their everyday lives.1765年的驻营条例要求殖民者们为英国驻军提供住宿。在殖民者看来这条条例影响不算重大——由于英方执法不力,这个条例几乎没有影响到他们的日常生活。4.???? John Calvin约翰加尔文This French-born intellectual expanded on Martin Luther’s Protestant ideals, which contradicted the practices of the Catholic Church. This man established Calvinism, which promotes the idea that God has supreme power and that humans are predestined to enter Heaven or Hell. His followers settled in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire.这位法国出生的知识分子在马丁路德(依旧没有金)的新教理念上进行脑补,脑补出来


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