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* Westward Movement 教学目的: 1.了解西进运动的历史背景和发展阶段; 2. 了解西进运动在美国扩张历史中的重要性及对南北战争的直接影响; 3. 了解美墨战争起因和结果。 * Presidential election in 1844 The slogan of the 11th presidential election of the Democrats in 1844: “Fifty-four forty or fight; The re-annexation of Texas and re-occupation of Oregon” Democratic candidate James K. Polk; Manifest destiny—that a majority of people were determined that the nation should occupy all the vast area between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean * What does fifty-four mean? Missouri admitted into the Union in 1821 Between 1820s and 1860s: The American Industrial Revolution The Great Plains The Oregon country And California * Oregon country The Pacific Northwest area from 42nd parallel, the northern border of Ca, to the 54°40′, the southern boundary of Alaska. This area was simultaneously claimed by Spain, Russia, the U.K. and the U.S. Spain gave up to the U.S. in 1819; The U. S. and the U.K. agreed to joint occupation of the land in 1818 and 1828, but the U.K. gave up its claims in 1846. The Russian tsar withdrew all their claims to the land south of the 54°40′parallel. * The Lone Star Republic of Texas Texas was claimed by Spain as early as the 1540s; During the Spanish control, the Spanish authorities tried all means to forbid all trade with American settlers, traders and explorers. However, the policy began to weaken late in 1820, because people of Mexico began to revolt and became independent in 1821. * The Mexican government’s attitude The new government of Mexico adopted a more liberal attitude towards American settlers and traders; By 1830, more than 20,000 American settlers had entered Texas, most of them southerners; Mexican authorities soon saw that their liberal policies were actually encouraging the growth of an American community, or even an American state; They began to cloze doors to further settlement in Mexican states bordering on the U.S. * After vigorous protest, bloody clashes and desperate fights with the Mexica


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