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Tourism and Recreation in the USA Tourism and Recreation in the US How big is the tourism industry? The USA ranks first in world tourism industry, and tourism is the largest service export of the country. Tourism and Recreation in the US What do travelers do? Shopping Outdoor recreation Historical places/Museums Beaches Cultural events National/State parks Theme/Amusement parks Nightlife/Dancing Gambling Sports events Tourism and Recreation in the US Who are the tourists? Income: travel both domestic and international is income-related. Age: The demonstrated rule for travel is always that the young travel more. Education: Those with higher levels of education are more likely to travel to seek learning experiences from new environments and cultures. Time: People who have just begun work careers or family life are usually limited for travel. “Mini-vacations” over the weekend is one possibility. Tourism and Recreation in the US Most popular tourist attractions in the US Man-made Attractions Washington D.C. New York city Los Angeles Las Vegas Natural Attractions Miami Beach Hawaii Yellowstone National Park Yosemite National Park The Grand Canyon Tourism and Recreation in the US Most popular tourist attractions in the US Man-made Attractions — Washington D.C. The United States Capitol 美国国会大厦 The White House 白宫 Lincoln Memorial 林肯纪念堂 National Air and Space Museum国家航空航天博物馆 National Museum of Natural History 美国自然历史博物馆 National Gallery of Art国家艺术馆 National Museum of American History美国历史博物馆 Tourism and Recreation in the US Most popular tourist attractions in the US Man-made Attractions – New York city The Empire State Building帝国大厦 The Statue of Liberty自由女神像 American Museum of Natural History the Metropolitan Museum of Art大都会艺术博物馆 the Museum of Modern Art Times Square时代广场 Central park中央公园 the World Trade Centre 世贸中心 Greenwich Village 格林威治村 the Rockefeller Centre洛克菲勒中心 Tourism and Recreati


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