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The Seavers Growing Pains is a grand situation comedy shot by ABC (American Broadcasting Company), played from September 1985 to April 1992. The seven seasons, including 177 episodes, are all very successful, and each is featured with a special theme. 成长的烦恼是一部由美国广播公司拍摄的大型情景喜剧,从1985年9月一直播至1992年4月。它共经历了非常成功的七个季166集,每一季都有着自己的专门的主题 。 In China, it was broadcasted from 1990 to 1994, rising a high audience rating at the beginning. In the series Mikes mischievous but lovable character is favored by the audiences. While the Dr. Seaver’s inspiring method of teaching children can enlighten the parents in front of the TV. 在中国从1990年一直播出至1994年。1990年代初期一经播出就引发了收视高潮,片中迈克开朗调皮的形象为广大观众所喜爱。而剧中西佛医生对子女采取启发式教育的方式,也让电视机前的父母得到启示。 Growing Pains was about a family of six, the Seavers, who lived on Long Island, New York. Jason Roland Seaver (Jason) Psychologist, maintains good relationships between the family members, treats children with inspiring teaching method. 心理医生,对家人感情很好,对子女用启发式的教育。 Psychologist [英] [sa??k?l?d??st] [美] [sa??kɑl?d??st] n. 心理学研究者,心理学家; Maintains [mein?teinz] v. 保持( maintain的第三人称单数 );保养;坚持;保卫; Members [?memb?z] n. 成员( member的名词复数 );分子;身体部位(尤指胳膊或腿); Inspiring [英] [?n?spa??r??] [美] [?n?spa?r??] adj. 鼓舞人心的;激励的;启发灵感的; vt. 鼓舞(inspire的现在分词);激励;启迪 Margaret Katherine Malone Seaver (Maggie) A TV reporter, called Mrs. Seaver by people in daily life, while uses Malone as the family name at work.一位电视台记者,生活当中人们称她西佛太太,但在工作时仍用家姓梅龙。 Michael Aeron Seaver (Mike) The elder son, though ambitious of the future , always screws things up and acts not so well in school.长子,对未来怀有梦想,却经常把事情搞砸,对读书不在行。 Ambitious [英] [?m?bi??s] [美] [?m?b???s] adj. 有雄心的;有野心的;有抱负的;炫耀的; Screws [skru:z] n. 螺丝钉( screw的名词复数 );螺旋桨;监狱看守;性交对象; v. 用螺丝拧紧( screw的第三人称单数 );拧上去;(和某人)性交;诈骗(钱财等); Elder [英] [?eld?] [美] [??ld?] n. 年长的,资格老的;头人,长辈;长老; adj. 年纪较大的;资格老的;老练的; Carol Anne Seaver ( Carol ) The elder daughter, good at study, a little bookish and always does things without having brain examined.长女,读


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