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目 录 摘要 1 Abstract 1 一.公共诉讼制度及其价值 2 (一)公益诉讼的界定 2 1.公益诉讼的内涵 2 2.公益诉讼的特点.........................................................3 (二)我国设置公益诉讼的必要性及内在价值 3 二.我国公益诉讼的困境 4 (一)我国公益诉讼的发展现状 4 (二)我国公益诉讼的困境 5 1.立法上空白,原告主体资格限制 5 2.立案却不审理 6 3.诉讼结果未达到预期的维护公益的效果 6 三、我国公益诉讼困境的解决途径 6 (一)完善当事人适格制度 6 1.放宽代表人诉讼的适用条件 7 2鼓励社会公益组织的介入. 7 (二)完善法院审判机制. 7 1.相应提高受诉法院级别. 7 2.严格立案审查程序. 7 (三)建立检察机关公益诉讼制度 7 结论 8 注释 8 参考文献 8 致 谢 9 我国公益诉讼的困境与出路 摘要:公益诉讼历史悠久,为世界各国所重视。我国公益诉讼起步较晚,目前我国公益诉讼发展存在一系列难题,如主体资格限制、受害者虽然胜诉,但未能达到预期的维护公益的效果、司法不独立等。在中国构建公益诉讼制度既有必要性,同时又存在相应的法理基础与可行性。解决我国公益诉讼困境的出路有完善当事人适格制度,改进代表人诉讼制度,修改权利登记制度,解决“搭便车”问题,允许被告提起禁止性诉讼,放宽代表人诉讼的适用条件,建立检察机关民事公诉制度等这些途径。 关键字:公共利益;公益诉讼;法律价值;困境;解决途径 The Predicament and Outlet of Public Interest Litigation in China Abstract:Litigation for public interest has a very long history and has been regarded by many modern countries.Public interest litigation in our country starts late,At present, the development of public interest litigation has a series of problems,such as Main body qualifications for victims, though, but failed to achieve the desired maintenance public welfare effect, judicial independence, etc.Both the necessity of constructing the public interest litigation system in China at the same time there is a corresponding legal basis and feasibility.To solve the plight of public interest litigation in our country there are some ways :improve the system of the parties to the eligibility,To improve the representative lawsuit system,Modify the right registration system, solving the problem of free rider,Allow the defendant filed prohibitive lawsuit, relax the applicable condition of representative lawsuit, establish procuratorial organs civil public prosecution system, etc. Key Words:the public interest;litigation for public interest;the value of law;dilemma;settlement way 一、公益诉讼制度及其价值 (一)公益诉讼的界定 1.公益诉讼的内涵 古罗马时起就有“公益诉讼”这一说法。在罗马法“诸法合一”“民刑不分”的法律体系的基础上,公益诉讼并未分成刑事、民事等方面。但是到了近


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