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Newspaper N——Number E——Essential W——Worldwide S——Struggle P——Papers A——Advertising P——Prevent E——Economic R——Responsibility Popularity of British Media 96% of the population watch TV at least once a week. 90% of Britons over the age of 15 read a national or local paper. 73% listen to the radio every week. The two types of newspapers The tabloids Scandals and gossip Lots of crime, sports and sensational news The Broadcast Media Television viewing: 3.5 hours/day (including videotapes) 97+% of Britain’s households: ownership of a color television 73%: ownership of a videocassette recorder (VCR) A radio/home 70%: listening to radio on a daily basis The most popular radio stations Clare FM Anna Livia Live 95 Welsh Radio International Imperial College radio Capital FM BBC Radio 2 The broadsheets Times 《泰晤士报》 The Daily Telegraph 《每日电讯报》 The Guardian 《卫报》 Sunday Dispatch 《星期日电讯报》 The Observer 《观察家报》 The Sunday Times 《星期日泰晤士报》 The tabloid The Daily Express 《每日快报》 The Daily Mail 《每日邮报》 Daily Mirror 《每日镜报》 The Sunday Express 《星期日快报》 The News of the World 《世界新闻报》 The News of the World, which began publishing in 1843, is considered as one of the tabloids. Category of newspaper National newspapers 全国性报纸 Local newspapers 地方报纸 Main journals 主要期刊 Other magazines 其他期刊 Which of the following is the worlds oldest national newspaper ?  (a) The Times  (b) The Guardian  (c) The Observer  (d) The Financial Times Answer: C Which of the following is the British oldest daily newspaper ?  (a) The Telegraph.  (b) The Guardian.  (c) The News of the World.  (d) The Times Answer: D Functions of British Media Provide entertainment Provide information about Political issues Social issues Provide weather reports Carry advertising Used for educational purposes Provide a forum for free expression of views


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