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Six movement originated in the United Kingdom. 六种起源于英国的运动 table tennis As a Chinese national ball game, table tennis in China has a deep mass base, but the Chinese most good at sport originated in Britain at the end of the 19th century. 作为中国的国球,乒乓球在中国有着深 厚的群众基础,不过这项中国人最擅长 的运动起源于19世纪末的英国。 The 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, table tennis is listed as official project. 1988年汉城奥运会,乒乓球被列为正式项目。 badminton the source of badminton is its birthplace - England In 1873, the project was born later, in the early 20th century to Asia, the americas, Oceania, Africa, around 1920 was introduced into China, began to only in Beijing, Shanghai, guangzhou, tianjin and other cities of the young mens Christian association and some big in the school development. 1873年该项目诞生之后,在20世纪初传到亚洲、美洲、大洋洲、非洲,1920年前后传入中国,开始仅仅在北京、上海、广州、天津等大城市的基督教青年会和一些大中学校里开展 The 1988 Seoul Olympic Games is listed as performance project, 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games become official project. 1988年汉城奥运会被列为表演项目,1992年巴塞罗那奥运会成为正式项目。 the modern football Ancient football was born in China, but cuju whether the ball material or rules, is different from modern football At present the Olympic Games in modern football originated in the United Kingdom, in 1863, the British set up the football association, and formulate the first set of unified competition rules. 古代足球诞生于中国,不过蹴鞠无论是球的材质还是规则,都和现代足球有所区别。目前奥运会上进行的现代足球起源于英国,1863年,英国成立了足协,并制订了第一套统一的竞赛规则。 1908 London Olympic Games, football is listed as official project. the British football team Modern boxing Modern boxing movement originated in the United Kingdom, points amateur boxing and professional boxing two big system, the Olympic Games boxing match belong to amateur boxing match. 现代拳击运动起源于英国,分业余拳击和职业拳击两大体系,奥运会拳击比赛属于业余拳击赛。   Modern hockey Modern hockey originated in the early 19th century Britain, the


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