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Anglo-Saxons Who were the Anglo-Saxons Where did they come from? The People Work and Leisure Anglo-Saxon homes, how and where they lived Religion, Gods Burial Anglo-Saxon Clothing, Jewellery Art Law Order Runes Education Trade Money Battles Weaponry Teacher Resources * Timeline detailed with links to specific dates Timeline on this day (events) West Stow re-enactment (great information pictures about Anglo-Saxon life) Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Teacher resource all words!) Biographies (loads of links) Brief Introduction to Anglo-Saxons (BBC) Sutton H Sutton Hoo Room Timeline (extremely detailed) The Anglo-Saxons is the general name given to the Germanic peoples who inhabited Britain between the fifth and the eleventh centuries, between the Romans and the Normans. More… Anglo-Saxons (Woodlands Primary School) Who were the Saxons? (child friendly page) Life in Anglo-Saxon England The Anglo-Saxon period lasted for some six centuries, from the arrival of Germanic invaders from the continent during the early fifth century AD to the Norman Conquest of 1066. This was a time of immense political and social upheaval which saw major changes in almost all aspects of everyday life. More… Early Anglo-Saxon Period Settlement. We know very little of the first several hundred years of the Anglo-Saxon, or English, era, primarily because the invaders were an illiterate people. Our earliest records of them are little more than highly inventive lists of rulers. More… The Saxons (1066.com) Saxon Photographs Sutton Hoo (1066.com) lots of information (rather wordy) Anglo-Saxon Kings and Kingdoms Anglo-Saxons (bbc) The simple answer is probably all up and down the North Sea coast, from Denmark and from the northern coasts (in modern terms) of Germany, the Netherlands, and France. More…. Did they really arrive in AD449 In fact they arrived much earlier. The late Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus records the Saxones among the barbarians (along with Picts and Scots) who were har


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