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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * King Alfred the Great and the Anglo-Saxon Kings (based on the Anglo-Saxon Period) Lecture 3 The Anglo-Saxon Struggle Against the Danes The Vikings The Coming of Danes King Alfred the Great (r. 871-899 阿佛列大帝) He is often regarded as the first king of a united England. He defeated the Danes at battles. Other Achievements of King Alfred 2 From Alfred to Elizabeth II 56 important monarchy figures passed through history. The Anglo-Saxon kings. The Danish Rule III. The Norman Kings IV. The Angevins (按茹王朝或 Plantagenets金雀花王朝) V. The House of Lancaster 3 VI. The House of York VII. The House of Tudor (都铎王朝) VIII. The House of Stuart (斯图尔特王朝) IX. The Interregnum and Cromwell X. The House of Hanover XI. House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha 4 5 The Warrior of Vikings 6 7 The Vikings’ Castle 8 King Alfred the Great (r. 871-899) p18 King Alfred of Wessex, a talented statesman and soldier and the greatest figure in the history of Anglo-Saxon England, succeeded in pushing the Danes back. Alfred is often regarded as the first king of a united England. P84, 93, 97 9 King Alfred and the Witan ( the Royal Council) 10 Alfred encouraged the translation of books from Latin into Anglo-Saxon. Alfred inspired the beginning of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle He actively promoted education He promoted a reform of the monasteries. He directed a codification of the law. 11 Alfred’s son, King Edward the Elder (II. r. 899-924) P20 He and his sons renewed the war against Danes. By the 954, the effort succeeded at the Battle of Stainmore. England was united under the leadership of the royal house of Wessex. p97 OFH 12 The Anglo-Saxon Kings King Ethelstan (III. r.924-940) He was the son of Edward the Elder, and the grandson of the famous King Alfred the Great. He inherited the Kingdom of West Mercia in A.D. 924. In 927 he invaded the Viking held areas of Northumberland, and claimed with some justification to be the first king of All England. p99 13 The


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