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Unit 8 Focus on Global Warming???????? Text comprehension I. A II. 1. T;??2. T;??3. F;??4. F;??5. F. III. 1. Paragraph 2. Because global warming may be the single largest threat to our planet(the earth). Low-lying nations could be awash in seawater, rain and drought patterns across the world could change, hurricanes could become more frequent, and El Ninos could become more intense. ? 2. Paragraph 3. Our factories, power plants, and cars burn coal and gasoline and spit out carbon dioxide, produce methane by allowing our trash to decompose in landfills and by breeding large herds of methane-belching cattle, and release nitrogen oxide by using nitrogen-based fertilizers. ? 3. Paragraph 4. The increased concentrations of greenhouse gases?prevent?additional thermal radiation?from?leaving the Earth, so cause the global warming. ? 4. Paragraph 7. A slight increase?in?heat and rain in equatorial regions would increase vector-borne带菌媒介引起的diseases such as malaria; more intense rains and hurricanes could cause more severe flooding and more deaths in coastal regions and along riverbeds; even a moderate rise in sea level could threaten the?low-lying islands; hotter summers couldlead to?more cases of heatstroke, hospital admissions and deaths among vulnerable people with heart problems or respiratory problems. ? 5. Paragraph 8 and 10. We can?curb?our consumption of fossil fuels and use technologies to reduce the emission of heat-trapping gases like?carbon二氧化碳?dioxide, methane, and?nitrous oxides, and protect the forests in the world, and we can also advocate policies that will combat global warming over the long term, things like clean cars,?environmentally responsible?renewable energy technologies, and stopping the?clear-cutting?of valuable forests. ? IV. 1. Global warming will probably be the most serious threat to our Earth, if we do not take into account of some other possible disasters, such as another world war, collision of our Earth with some small orbiting planet, or sp


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